Iwaizumi Hajime | Are You Blushing?

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Question: I'm curious, What do you think I look like?
I think you all look beautiful in your own unique way!
. . .

"Hi, Iwaizumi!" A happy cheer caught the male's attention and he quickly turned his head with a smile. School had just ended and he was waiting in the hall for his girlfriend so they could walk back to their neighborhood. It was Friday so that meant the two could spend a few hours at one of their houses.

"Hey (y/n)," He returned her tight hug before pecking her on the lips, "How have you been?"

His girlfriend smiled, "Nothing much, just school stuff."

"Same," He sighed, pulling his backpack strap up his shoulder. The couple began walking together to leave the school building.

On the way home, their topic of discussion changed many times. This tended to happen often.

"I just don't understand how people can drizzle ketchup on their fries! It's called a dipping sauce, not bathing sauce." (Y/n) exclaimed as if she was trying to win a debate in court, her arms gesturing all over the place. Iwaizumi just watched in pure amusement.

After finishing the discussion of ketchup and fries, the two began to talk about embarrassing things they have done in the past. For example, (y/n) once tripped getting onto a train and ripped her pants, so she had to ride with a huge hole on her knee. Iwaizumi surprisingly hadn't had many embarrassing moments.

"How?" (Y/n) cocked an eyebrow, "Is it some sort of blessing to not embarrass yourself on the daily?"

Iwaizumi breathed out a small chuckle, "I'm not sure. I consider myself blessed to not be as embarrassing as Oikawa."

You both chuckled. Silence ensued but you soon filled it up with a sudden question.

"Now that I think about it, I've never seen you blush or stammer or anything! Even when you asked me out you looked completely calm." She marveled, jealous of her boyfriend's ability.

Iwaizumi just looked at her, "Well I wasn't nervous when I asked you out because everyone said you had a huge crush on me anyway. You were obvious. So I wasn't scared of rejection, I guess."

This made (y/n) huff and cross her arms like a toddler, muttering about him being unfair. The ace just found her frustration entertaining.

They finally made it to Hajime's house. (Y/n) skipped in like it was her own home, greeting Hajime's mother. The older woman grinned and embraced the (h/c) girl in a hug. Iwaizumi smiled.

"Upstairs?" Hajime spoke up after (y/n) pulled away. She nodded.

The two were just relaxing in the room, their shared playlist playing music from his small speaker. (Y/n) quietly sang along to the lyrics, spinning in his swivel chair.

Iwaizumi watched her sing along and lip sync with a soft smile on his face. He thought she was such a cutiepie.

The song ended with (y/n) pretending to strum a long note on an air guitar and dramatically posing in the chair. He chuckled at her.

The next song came on, which happened to be one of (y/n)'s favorites. She immediately recognized the iconic song by the queen herself, Brittany Spears. She still hadn't noticed Iwaizumi's stare, so she began to lip sync along with the song.

"Baby, can't you see I'm calling?
A guy like you should wear a warning
It's dangerous, I'm falling" (y/n) already got into the song, spinning on the chair and dramatically falling to the floor as if she fainted. Iwaizumi chocked an eyebrow and was about to lean over the edge of the bed to find her on the floor. Before he could do so, (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes we're staring right into his as she rose up to the edge of his bed.

"There's no escape, I can't wait
I need a hit, baby, give me it" (y/n) began to slide up onto the bed, making Iwaizumi scuttle backwards in slight nervousness. He sweatdropped.

"You're dangerous, I'm loving it" (y/n) grinned playfully with the mood of the song.

"Too high, can't come down
Losing my head, spinnin' 'round and 'round" (y/n) came even closer, leaning on her hands and knees right in front of Iwaizumi's face. She smirked before giving him a quick kiss. Her gaze leaving his lips, she locked eyes with Iwaizumi,

"Do you feel me now?"

(Y/n) gave him a look he has never seen on her before and it made his heart beat fast. She backed up from his face a little to crawl around him in a circle like a predator. She suppressed a giggle.

"With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride
You're toxic, I'm slippin' under
With a taste of a poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic?"

(Y/n) came right up against Iwaizumi's eat and lightly whispered the lyrics, sending a chill down his spine, "And I love what you do
Don't you know that you're toxic?"

(Y/n) came back around to face Iwaizumi again, beginning to enjoy taunting him like this.

"It's getting late to give you up
I took a sip from my devil's cup
Slowly, it's taking over me," (y/n) sat back on her knees and ran a hand through her hair, making it messier and oddly more enticing. Hajime was barely able to control himself and kept reminding himself that his mom is still downstairs. (Y/n) continued to taunt him with suggestive movements and mysterious gazes.

"Too high, can't come down
It's in the air and it's all around," (y/n) came close to his face again, her eyes staring at his slightly open mouth,
"Can you feel me now?"

Iwaizumi lost it. He had to avoid her gaze and turn his head, but by doing so he exposed his blazing red cheeks. His skin was warm and it was obvious of the heavy blush caused by his girlfriend. He tried to cover it up by holding up the back of his hand against his face.

(Y/n) let out a tiny gasp, breaking character and ignoring the rest of the music.

"Hajime," She said his name. He responded by looking at her out of the corner of his eye, "Are you...are you blushing?"

He went quiet. (Y/n) was about to respond to his lack of an answer but he cut her off, "No...n-no I'm not..."

"Yes you are!" (Y/n) leaned closer to pole his cheek, "You're totally blushing!"

"I'm not!" Iwaizumi tried to defend himself, but there was no use. (Y/n) began to laugh.

"I can't believe I made the stoic, straight-faced Iwaizumi Hajime blush! And to Britney Spears!" (Y/n) exclaimed, her face showing nothing but pure joy at her accomplishment. Iwaizumi was silently bathing in his own pool of embarrassment, turning his face even darker.

(Y/n) giggled and gently squeezed his cheek, "Aw you're so cute! Who's cute? You are!" She began talking to him a like a baby, "Oh yes you are, Hajime!"

Iwaizumi couldn't stand it. As (y/n) was playfully squeezing his cheek, he grabbed her by the arms and held her still, staring dead into her eyes. (Y/n) was taken by surprise. With no hesitation, he slammed his lips into hers and held the kiss until he couldn't breathe.

Now it's was (y/n)'s turn to be blushing like mad. Iwaizumi grinned at her in a way that made her face burn. The male took the opportunity. Leaning in close to (y/n)'s ear, he whispered,

"Who's blushing now?"

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