Yamaguchi Tadashi | Freckles

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The quiet sound of a door opening and quickly closing echoed in the apartment as you stepped in. You let out a sigh and took off your shoes before shuffling into the living room. Tossing your bag onto the coffee table, you look at the clock under the T.V.

"Man, it's 11:30 already? Damn college...." You mumble. All night you were at the library, studying for upcoming tests and making up work. The usual, really. You didn't realize you were out so late however.

The apartment was dark, no signs of life present accept for your worn-out self. You stretch your arms while walking into your bedroom.

Making sure to be quiet, you sneak into the room and your eyes land onto a figure lying on the bed. The lights from outside flooded through the window, making it easier to see your sleeping boyfriend. You felt a smile creep it's way onto your face as you watched him sleep,

So cute...

You step over to the side of the bed and looked down at Tadashi. He was lying on his stomach, his arms next to his head and his brown hair spread out on the pillow. You then realized he was shirtless, which made your face heat up a bit. This wasn't the first time you saw Tadashi without a shirt, but just the idea of it still made you flustered.

You flicked on the bedside lamp and began to get changed into your night clothes, which only consisted of an oversized t-shirt and comfy short shorts. You took your (h/c) out of its tight bun and let it flow free, which made you sigh in relief.

After finishing up with your usual bedtime routine, you lay down next to Tadashi. You sit up, leaning up against the headboard of the bed and reach over to the nightstand to grab your pen and drawing book. You always like to doodle a bit before going to bed just to get rid of the stress from that day. College is quite tiring and stressful, so doing this helps you keep your mind off things.

As you draw, you can't help but let your eyes wander over to the adorable boy next to you. You honestly felt blessed to have such a perfect person in your life. He made everything so much more bearable by giving you the fact that you'll come home to see him everyday. He was like the bright stars in the dark sky that is your life, making it sparkle and shine. You can't help but smile at him as he rests beside you.

You quickly look away when you realize you must look like a creep by watching him sleep. You force yourself to go back to your drawing, which was of a star-lit night sky. Your pen glides across the page, adding stars and streams of light.But once again, you find yourself staring at Tadashi.

Your eyes trail to his exposed back. His back was muscular from all the volleyball he plays. Though he isn't a starter, he trains so much to the point he looks like he plays every game. His chests rises and falls with his breathing like a rhythm. You stare at his shoulders and the middle of his back, which were scattered with freckles. You found this absolutely adorable and you couldn't help but smile once more.

Looking back down at your book, you continue to draw. Every once and a while, you would look up from your drawing to stare at his cute freckles. You would rip your gaze away to look back down at your drawing, only for you to look back at him again. Suddenly, you put your book down and move from your spot to now be hovering over Tadashi's sleeping form.

Pen in hand, you gently make lines on his back. Being careful not to wake him, you mindlessly draw lines between his freckles. Your face was probably a blushing mess at the moment, but that wasn't your concern.

A few minutes later you popped the cap back onto your pen and went back to your side of the bed. After flicking off the lamp, you leaned over and gave Tadashi a small kiss on the head before burying yourself into the blankets, soon drifting off into a deep slumber.

. . .

Yamaguchi's POV

My eyes flutter open just to be blinded by bright sunlight. I rub my eyes and sit up, stretching my arms with a yawn.

Oh yeah... It's Saturday...

I look down next to me to see a beautiful (h/c) girl, which makes me smile just a bit. Her eyes are closed and a small bit of drool threatens to fall from the corner of her mouth. Leaning over and giving her a kiss on the cheek, I slowly get out of bed to start the day. I let out another yawn as I shuffle over to the full length mirror by the closet.

Staring Into the mirror, I notice a small mark peeking over the top of my shoulder. I try and rub it off but it stays in it's spot. Furrowing my eyebrows, I turn around and look over my shoulder to see into the mirror. My eyes widen and my jaw drops slightly.

What looked like stars and constellations were scattered all over my shoulders and back. Every line was connected to one of my freckles like one of those 'connect the dots' things. The dark blue ink was delicately placed in certain areas, making my skin look almost like a galaxy of stars. I absent mindedly found myself tracing over the lines with my fingers.

I peek over at (Y/N), my eyes catching the pen that lay in her (left/right) hand. I chuckle quietly and look back into the mirror. Taking one last look at the pretty drawings that sat on my skin, I leave the room to make breakfast for (Y/N) and I.

. . .

Just as I was finishing up making (favorite breakfast), I hear footsteps coming down the hall. Before I knew it, I felt small arms wrap around my waist and someone lean up against my back.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," I say with a smile, "I'm almost done breakfast."

"Morning..." (Y/N) responds tiredly. I let out a small laugh and put down the pan with the food. Turning around to face her, I wrap my arms around (Y/N) and let my chin rest upon her head. We stand like that in silence for what seems like forever. I grin and break the silence,

"I liked your drawings this morning, (Y/N)."

I immediately felt her tense up a bit before she responds with a nervous laugh, "I-I... Um...W-What drawings?"

Letting go of her to look into her (e/c) orbs, I give (Y/N) a reassuring smile, "You don't need to be all weird, I like them. I think it's really cute of you."

Her face goes red and she buries her face in her hands, "I'm sorry! You just looked really c-cute and I didn't know what I was doing! I'll help you wash them off-"

"I don't want them washed off, (Y/N)."

She looks up at me in confusion,
"Like is said, I think they're really cute. I don't mind you drawing stars on my back. Really!"

(Y/N) sighs in relief, "Really?"

I nod, embracing her in a hug again. She hugs me back tightly and I bring her closer to me, if that's even possible. We stand like this until I hear the breakfast beginning to sizzle. I break from the hug only to check on the food.

The light feeling of fingers tracing the drawn-on constellations made shiver only for a moment. I don't have to turn around to know (Y/N) is staring at her work on my skin. I feel myself smile at her adorable actions.

She's so cute...

I began thinking about how it must have looked when (Y/N) was drawing on my back. Just the image of her hovering over me in the first place made my cheeks dust pink. I then realized something that I didn't think of before,

"Does this mean you were staring at me while I slept, (nickname)?"

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