Nishinoya Yuu | Pick up lines

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  "Are you a banana? Because I find you a-peeling."

You hold your mouth with the back of your hand and burst into a fit of laughter. Nishinoya began laughing with you, making your room sound like an insane asylum.

"Oh lord! That one was so bad!" You wheeze out, "Thank god you didn't use that on me two years ago!"

You and your boyfriend of two years, Nishinoya Yuu, were having a competition to see who could come up with the worst pick-up lines. So far, it was a pretty close tie. Both you and Noya had some pretty bad excuses for pick-up lines off the top of your head, but some were actually decent and could be considered well-thought out. You finally stop laughing and think for a moment,

"Hold on I got one!" You hold your hand up before saying,

"Are you a volleyball? Because I really dig you~"

Another round of laughter filled the room again. Noya found that one amusing because of the volleyball reference. You sat cross legged on your bed while Nishinoya sat across from you doing the same. The laughter died down a bit and Noya spoke up, another pick up line on his mind,

"Can I walk you home? My mother always told me to follow my dreams." You found this one more cute than funny, but that was beside the point. The two of you began throwing pick-up lines back and forth,

"Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back."

"I lost my teddy bear, can I sleep with you instead?"

"There's something wrong with my phone, it doesn't have your number in it."

"You know what you would really look beautiful in? My arms."

"I value my breath so it would be nice if you didn't take it away every time you walk by."

"Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile."

You pause for a moment, "Awe, that one was kinda cute actually." You admit. Yuu nods, signaling that he agrees, "Well it's true!"

Your face goes pink upon hearing him compliment you. Noya has complimented you many times before, but it still makes you bush. He must have noticed your pink cheeks because he let's out a small chuckle before talking,

"I really like doing this, (Y/N)-chan. This is a lot of fun."

You grin at Nishinoya before shrugging, "If sitting in your girlfriend's messy room while reciting bad pick-up lines is your idea of fun, then I won't judge."

Noya looks at you before glancing around your kinda messy room. Homework was spread out onto your unorganized desk and your floor was slightly unkept.

"Yeah your room is kinda messy," Noya chuckles and you retort with a stupid grin on your face,

"Well, trashy rooms belong to trashy people. Just look at me, I'm the queen of garbage." You point at yourself with both your thumbs, pretending that was some form of a complement towards yourself. Nishinoya just rolls his eyes, "You really are something, huh (Y/N)?"

"Yes! I am something! I am trash! But I'm premium trash. Grade A limited edition trash. I'm a good kind of trash."

Noya smirks, "Well if your trash, and me caring strongly for the environment, I'm going to have to pick you up. Does 8:40 sound ok?"

You sit there silent for a moment before it hits you. You sigh, "I kinda dug myself into that one, huh? Dammit." You let out a chuckle. Yuu nods and grins widely,

"Do I win? I think I do, (Y/N)-chan~" You huff and shake your head,

"No way. This battle isn't over yet, Yuu!"

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