Semi Eita | Breakfast

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Sunlight poured through the opened curtains and shined down onto your bed. It didn't bother you at all as you slept peacefully. That is, until you rolled over and suddenly you were blinded by the bright stream of light. You groaned and sat up, rubbing your eyes to adjust them to the room. Once you stretched, you noticed the empty spot beside you. Groggily getting out of bed and not bothering to tame your hair, you leave the bedroom.

As soon as you left the room, you smelled the welcoming aroma of pancakes. Your steps slightly quickened as you made your way into the kitchen. Upon entering, you saw a certain bi-haired male facing the stove. He must have noticed your presence because he turned his head to look over his shoulder and at you. His gaze softened upon looking at your morning state and you smiled,

"Good morning, princess. I'm making breakfast." He says coolly. He looks back at the stove and you shuffle up behind him. Wrapping your arms around him, you bury your head into his shoulder.

"Good morning, Prince Charming." You say in your morning voice. Semi loves how your voice is husky in the morning. And you may think it's gross and messy, but he also loves how your over sized t shirt hung off one shoulder and how your hair went in all directions. He liked noticing the little things about you that made him love you even more.

"That smells good. What kind are they?" You peek around his figure to stare at the cooking batter.

"Chocolate chip, your favorite." Semi turns away from the stove to hug you back. You angle your head up to his as he hugs you. Taking the opportunity, he begins to pepper your face with light kisses. You scrunched up your nose in response.

After escaping his death trap of affection, you make your way to the fridge to get some milk. Pouring yourself a glass, you walk over the the bar that faces into the kitchen. You take a seat on the barstool and sip from your glass. Just then, your boyfriend slides a plate of chocolate chip pancakes with a dollop of whip cream on top onto the table. You thank him and take a bite.

"So, how did my princess sleep?" Semi grins as he pours some more batter onto the pan. You lick some whip cream off your lip before answering.

"Just fine. I had a dream and you were in it."

Semi smirked, "Oh? What kind of dream?"

You rolled your eyes, "Not an inappropriate dream, Eita. It was actually a bad dream. You were a criminal and you tried to kill me because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and I saw too much. You were about to shoot me in the head when I woke up."

Semi's eyes widened, "Why would you have a dream like that?"

You shrugged, "I can't control my dreams. Some day your going to have to teach me how you do it."

You took another bite of your food and wondered out loud. "What do you even dream about anyway?"

Semi sweat dropped and gulped, "Uh...a lot of things... It depends on the day..."

"What kind of things?"

"Mostly just us. Then there are a few of those dreams where you and I-"

You poke your fork out towards him, "I'm gonna stop you there. I like my criminal dream better, even though I know your not a criminal."

Semi smirked again and looked at you, "But I am. I stole your heart."

You laughed and almost choked on your pancake, "Did you get that off google?"

When he didn't answer, you took it as a yes and chuckled to yourself. A comfortable silence filled the room as you ate your pancake.

"Hey (y/n), you wanna see something cool?" Eita spoke up. You looked up at him and nodded. He took the pan off the stove and held it firmly with one hand. Just as he was about to flip it your eyes widened.

"Wait Eita don't-"

As soon as he flipped the pancake, it flew up way too high and a loud splat noise was heard. You both just stared up at the pancake that was now stuck to the ceiling.

"That... Did not go as planned..." Semi said with a chuckle. You grinned as well before you both broke out into laughter.

"Smooth~" You hummed. Semi chuckled.

You stopped speaking to finish your breakfast as Semi continued to make the pancakes. The room was silent except for the background noise of birds singing and leaves rustling on their branches.

As you ate, you looked up to watch your boyfriend cook. You don't know how he managed to be so perfect. You were really lucky. You smiled lightly at him. He must have noticed you staring because he gave you a side glance and smiled.

For a moment he stopped cooking and turned to face you. He ushered you over to him.

"I wanna hug." He grinned. You cocked and eyebrow.

"Why? I just gave you one."

"Well I want another. Come here." He gave you a puppy look so you stood up and shuffled over to him. He immediately wrapped his arms around you as soon as you were close enough.

Eita slightly swayed you back and forth as he held you close. He could smell the faint aroma of his cologne on his neck and shirt. He leaned down a little to kiss the top of your head. After a minute, you pulled away from the hug to give Semi a quick peck on the lips.

However, just when you were about to kiss him, something hit him on the head with a flop and caused him to pause. You looked up to see the pancake that was once stuck to the ceiling resting on his head. Semi let out a huff as you laughed at him.

Being with Semi made mornings so much better.

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