Iwazumi Hajime | Blizzard

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    "Warning, a massive snow storm is heading towards the Miyagi Prefecture. Please stay indoors until the storm passes or until it is safe to step outside. Keep away from all windows and lock all doors for safety. Stay warm and-" You turned off the T.V and roll your (e/c) eyes.

You let out a bored yawn, "Snow storm my ass! Besides, weathermen are almost always wrong, right?"    (()Rly Reader-chan...)

While other normal people would be boarding up and preparing for this "Blizzard", you weren't fazed one bit. It was pretty cold this winter, but you didn't think a snow storm as big as they described would come out of nowhere.

Stretching your limbs and wiggling your toes, you stand up off the couch. The chill of the hardwood floor on your bare feet made you shiver slightly. You continue to head towards the kitchen to cook something for dinner.

'Uhhh.... I'm in the mood for cereal... So I'm just gonna eat some cereal...'  You think and shrug, reaching into a cabinet to get some cereal. When you open the cabinet door, all you see is boxes of tasteless cereal brands that you don't like that much.

You let out a groan when your eye catches something all the way in the back of the cabinet. You move the other boxes aside to reveal a glowing box of (Favorite Cereal). Throwing your fist in the air in victory, you reach and get the box, luckily seeing it still had enough cereal for one more bowl.

Opening the fridge, you look inside for some milk to go along with your cereal. Your feeling of victory drops down to your stomach when you don't see any milk in the refrigerator.

You slam the door closed and huff, "I'll just run out to the store really quick and get some milk, then. I should be back before anyone notices I was gone!"

You pause for a minute and counter to yourself, "Wait... I live alone..."

You just shrug and go over to the door. You slip on your coat and boots before opening the door to your apartment. Once you go down to the lobby, you wave to the receptionist. She gives you a look,

"Heading out? Sweetie, don't you think you should stay inside until we get further notice about this blizzard?"

You playfully roll your eyes, "I'm not very afraid of whatever coming this way...Besides, I will be back before this storm comes anyway!"

The receptionist shrugs, "Just be careful..." You nod to her before opening the door and stepping out of the building.

Almost as soon as you stepped outside, the blistering cold hit you like a truck. You began to wish you had brought a scarf, but you continue on your way anyway. You shove your hands in your coat pockets and attempt to snuggle your head deeper into the soft collar. The thin layer of snow crunched beneath your boots as you walked to the super market, which was pretty close by.

Your spine shivers as the wind begins to pick up. You feel something small and cold fall onto the tip of your nose, and you cross your eyes to see a snowflake slowly melting into your skin. Looking up, you see more snowflakes falling from the sky.

. . .

By time the store was in view, the wind was strong enough to make your hair whip behind you. Your cheeks felt like ice and they were probably as red as tomatoes at this point. Your eyes turn to slits every time the wind whistled by.

You finally made it to the store and you found yourself lunging your arm at the door handle, only for it to be locked. You look slightly upwards to see a sign that read "Closed".

You roll your eyes and let out a sigh, your breath visible in front of you. You turn on your heel to walk back home, but that's when you realize you can't see past the snow being blown in all directions by the wind. You try to walk forward, but soon you have to stop and cover your eyes with your arm. You felt them begin to tear up from the cold.

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