Kageyama Tobio | What happened?

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"Is there even anything left, Kageyama?!" You raise your voice a bit louder. Both of you had forgotten where this argument had started. It had just been getting more and more heated as each of you say whats on your minds without thinking. Kageyama's volleyball has been stressing the both of you out, and now all the stress has exploded into an argument that could end in many ways.

Every night, Kageyama would come back to your shared apartment tired and moody from practice. When you would ask him how it went, he would respond with a grunt or shrug. The two of you barely talked that much now that volleyball has been the first thing on the setter's mind. You just felt like he didn't care anymore.

"I don't even know, (y/n)! You know how important volleyball is to me!" Tobio throws his hands in the air in a wild manner.

"I know it is! But so is our relationship! I want you to excel in volleyball. I want you to be the best. I want you to be happy! But I also want to save our relationship, Tobio! I will do anything to bring back what we had if you can help me too!" You desperately yell to him, hoping to get through his skull. You had never wanted it to happen, but it feels like everything is falling through your fingertips.

"Well I don't know what to do, (y/n)! You should know better than anyone that relationships aren't my strong point," Kageyama turns his head away, his raven bangs covering his eyes, "Give me a volleyball, and I can build up a team. Give me a girl's feelings, and I will most likely hurt them and break them apart..."

It hurt you more than anything to see your boyfriend like this. Coming home from losing a match was always different; he would be mad at himself but you would always be there to build him back up for next time. Right now, he was desperate and angry for many different reasons, some not even you could understand.

"Kageyama... If you need me to... I don't mind coming second. I know how much volleyball means to you so if I'm in your way... I understand." Sadness dripped from your words like the salty tears that were threatening to fall from your (e/c) orbs. Kageyama looked back at you,

"No, (y/n). I'm not going to put you second. I would hate myself for it..."

"Then put me nowhere, Tobio. I can tell this isn't going to work. I....I-I don't think I can do this anymore. Volleyball is your life, so I'm not going to get in your way," you tiredly lean up against the wall rubs your temples with your fingers, trying to figure this whole thing out, "I should go...-"

"I think you're being over dramatic about all of this, (y/n). Everything was going okay until-"

"No it wasn't Tobio! Every night I would wait alone for you to come home, only for you to shut me out when you did! Every time I tried starting a convorsation, it would be quickly ended. I knew volleyball was taking up a lot of your time and energy, so I felt bad that all I did was selfishly use up the rest of it. I would sit on the couch and wonder how much I mean to you. I started thinking I wasn't good enough for 'The King of the Court'. I-"

"Don't call me that..." Kageyama's voice was low with so many emotions swimming through it.

"Dont call you what? King-"

Before you could blink, Kageyama threw his fist against the wall right next to your head. The wall shook as some of the drywall crumbled to the floor. The white color of the wall was turned red from Kageyama's knuckles beginning to bleed. You flinched at the sound of a picture frame falling off the wall and shattering against the tile. You glimpse over at the photo of you and Tobio holding hands at a park, now covered in the shattered glass of the frame. The hot tears finally fell from your eyes and you looked back at Tobio in fear and shock. His fist was still planted into the wall behind you and his head hung low, his breathing heavy.

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