Bokuto Koutarou | Bullies

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In this Bokuto is going to have fan girls just like Oikawa, so yeah. Sorry if it's a bit rushed. Without further ado...

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This week has been nothing but crap. Not only because of school work and tests, but because of your new relationship with the caption of the boys volleyball team.

Not because he was a bad boyfriend, oh god no. You loved being in a relationship with Bokuto. Your crappy week is not because of him at all, but because of other girls in your class.

Ever since the two of you started dating, which was just the beginning of this week, Every girl who happens to have a crush on your boyfriend had been harassing you.

It started off as just dark glares or short mean comments in the hall. You felt like all the girls you considered friends were starting to hate you over a boy. Immature right? You thought that maybe if you waited a day or two it will pass.
It only got worse, however. It grew from small pesters to insulting jokes. Girls would whisper about you loud enough so you could hear.

"I wonder how long the relationship will last?"

"Probably not that long. Bokuto-kun is going to get bored with her in a few weeks and dump her for someone better."

"Yeah, she's not very interesting in the first place."

It hurt to hear those things. But it hurt even more on Thursday. You were walking to class carrying a big pile of books when an unknown person tripped you on purpose. You stuff went flying across the floor along with yourself. People stared and laughed as you scrambled to pick up your stuff and run to class, tears brimming at your eyes. It was one of the most embarrassing things you had ever experienced.

That afternoon, you saw a girl talking with Bokuto by the lockers. You wanted to hear, so you hid behind a locker and listened quietly.

"-and all of her stuff went flying across the floor!"

You heard your boyfriend's voice next, "What?! Was she ok?"

"Oh I have no idea, but it seemed like she was fine. It was just a little trip, right?"

"But why would you do that?"

"Because why not? It was so funny to see the poor thing shuffle around for her papers. (Y/n) is so clumsy it makes me really feel bad for her."

You had to run away before they heard your crying. You scuttled away so fast you didn't hear the end of the conversation.

"That was very rude. You should be ashamed."

"Bokuto-Kun wait-" but he was gone.

The next day you avoided Bokuto. You were way too embarrassed to even say hello to him. You knew it wasn't right, but what were you going to say? "Oh hey Bokuto! I heard you talking with that girl yesterday! Really funny stuff, right?"

People continued to tease you, saying that your not worth Bokuto's time and that your just a temporary thing. It really sucked. But hey, at least you built up your skill of holding back tears.

That afternoon on the way home, a girl shoved your shoulder and whispered,
"Bokuto doesn't date ugly girls, so why do you ever bother?"

You were used to it by now, so you just hung your head and kept walking. Before exiting the school, you passed by the volleyball gym. Eagerness to talk to Bokuto took over so you peeked your head in through the crack in the door. There were boys in the gym, but no sign of Bokuto. You knew it sounded a little too quiet. Slumping your shoulders, you began to walk away when you heard a voice call your name. You looked and saw that it came from behind the gym building.

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