Oikawa Tooru | Someone Special

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Oikawa was just relaxing in his apartment when he heard his phone ring from the kitchen. Sitting up from the couch, he scuttled to pick up the phone. He closed his eyes and picked up,

"Hello~, Oikawa Tooru speaking." He rested his hand on his hip as he held the phone.

"Tooru, how have you been?" An older voice sounded through the phone. Tooru's eyes opened and he smiled,

"Hi mom! It's been a really long time!"

The older woman laughed on the other end.

"It has. So I decided to call you to see how my only son has been lately."

Oikawa carried the phone over to the couch and took a seat, "Oh he's been great! College volleyball is tiring and I barely have time to finish my homework with all the stuff going on, but I'm managing."

His mother listened as he explained how life has been. After he was done she asked a question that has been on her mind.

"So have you found someone or are you still playing the field like you did back in high school?"

Oikawa leaned forward in his seat and chuckled, "Actually I have, Mom."

She was slightly surprised, "Really? Who's the lucky lady?"

"Her name is (Y/n)." Oikawa grinned. His mother let out an interested gasp and asked some more questions. It has been a long time since her son actually had a girlfriend that lasted more than a week.

"What does she look like? What is she going to college for? What is she like?"

Oikawa chuckled, "Mom slow down. (Y/n) is going to school to become a cardiovascular surgeon. I met her outside of campus and turned out we were going to the same college, just different classes and things. We have been dating for about two years now."

"Wow, two years?"

"Yup. She's really spectacular, mom. She's got beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair and captivating (e/c) eyes. I could stare at her for hours..." At the moment all Oikawa wanted to do was show off his girl to his mother.

"And she's super sweet. Once she visited my apartment just to share her homemade cookeis with me and snuggle. She's really funny too. And her laugh..."

Oikawa let out a dreamy sigh just thinking about her. His mother laughed at his love struck state.

"This girl must be really something then."

Oikawa sat up straight, "Oh Mom you have no idea. She ain't just something.

She's everything."

There was a moment of silence before Tooru spoke up again,

"I think I want to marry her, mom."

He heard his mother gasp from the other end.

"Tooru, are you sure?"

He frowned, "Mom I'm serious. (Y/n) is the only girl I can imagine spending the rest of my life with. I want to settle down and start a family of our own with her after we graduate."

His mom got excited. She cheered and said in a happy tone, "You better make me some grandchildren, Tooru! I want some grandbabies!"

Oikawa smiled widely, "And I would love to! (Y/n) would be a great mom!"

The two chatted about future plans. Both Oikawa and his mom were getting a little too excited over starting a new family and the wedding plans.

"How are you going to propose?" His mother asked. He thought for a moment.

"Well, (Y/n) loves the beach. So I will probably end up proposing there."

"Oh, Tooru! I'm so happy for you!"

Oikawa laughed, "Thanks mom. How have you been?"

"Better now that I've heard my son is actually a ladies man." The woman answered, grinning on her end. Oikawa let out a false hurt gasp.

"Mom! I've always been a ladies man! Trust me, (y/n) had really high expectations when we first met, and I managed to meet all of them. You should be proud."

His mother smiled, "I really want to meet this girl of yours."

Oikawa closed his eyes, "Oh, you'd love her mom."

The phone began ringing indicating someone else was trying to call him. Oikawa pouted, "I really enjoyed talking with you, but someone else is calling. I love you."

"Love you too, Tooru. Make sure to treat (y/n) right, okay?"

Oikawa laughed, "Mom, I have been for 2 years so far and more to come."

The two said their quick goodbyes and Oikawa answered the other call just in time. It turned out to be the person of interest themselves.

As soon as Tooru answered, he grinned from ear to ear as he spoke, "Hi babe~"

The girl giggled and greeted him back, "Hello Tooru~. I was just checking in."

Oikawa felt his chest flutter. He loved it when she showed she cared, even though that was most of the time. "Well I'm doing just fine. I just got off the phone with my mom."

"Oh really? I've actually been wanting to meet her."

Oikawa shrugged, "Well that worked out. She wants to meet you too."

(Y/n) lets out a little laugh, "I'm flattered."

Oikawa tilted his head in thought for a moment. It was silent until Oikawa spoke up again.

"Hey (y/n), what's your favorite gemstone?"

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