Hinata Shouyou | Don't be sad!

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Question of the day: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?

Hinata had just finished practice. He bounded out of the gym with the widest smile on his face, letting the setting sun soak into his skin before bouncing off the step. A dark haired figure took his place beside the cheerful boy.

"Where are you headed, Kageyama?" Hinata asked. The male shrugged.

"Home. You?"

Hinata's smile grew bigger. "I'm gonna go visit (y/n)!"

The setter cocked a brow. "Who's (y/n)?"

Hinata gasped as if he was horribly offended. Shaking his head in disappointment, he raised his pointer finger in the air. "(Y/n) is my bestest friend. We grew up together. She's super nice and cute."

Hinata's eyes went all lovey dovey and his hands flew to his heart, "And I've had the biggest crush on her for the longest time! B-But don't tell her I said that! If she ever finds out my brain will explode like 'pshew'"

Just thinking of her face made Hinata's mouth go into a squiggly line and his hands cupped his red cheeks. "I would do anything for her to be happy. Anything!"

Kageyama just stared as the boy wiggled in his spot over his childhood friend and crush. The setter didn't understand. What's so good about all that when you can focus on something more important like volleyball?

"You really are an idiot. Go have fun with your girlfriend or whatever." Kageyama began to walk off. Hinata shouted at his disappearing figure, his face blazing in embarrassment.

"Kageyama you dumby! She's not my girlfriend! And I'm NOT an idiot!" After his yell, the boy felt himself blush even harder.

"(Y/n)... being my girlfriend?! That would be amazing..." the boy found himself imagining cliche scenes between the two.

(Y/n) on one end of a beach running towards Hinata who was on the other, the two of them in slow motion and arms outstretched. Once they met in the middle, Hinata lifted to girl in the air and gave her a kiss.

(Y/n) and Hinata sharing a spaghetti dinner and both having one end of a noddle in their mouths, eating it until their lips pressed together.

(Y/n) stretched across his lap as they watch a horror movie and (y/n) getting scared and gripping onto him.

(Y/n) watching his volleyball match and cheering loudly from the stands.

(Y/n) (y/n) (y/n) (y/n).

Hinata shook himself out of his thoughts and quickly began to make his way to the place he knew he would find you. No one knows you better than Hinata.

The ginger silently pushed open the door to the art room, peeking his head inside. His eyes scanned the room for a girl, but he didn't find one at first.

Huh... that's weird. She's usually in here every day from 2:30 to 6:00.

Hinata checked the time to make sure he didn't miss her. When he saw the clock read 5:25, he grew confused.

Suddenly a quiet almost silent noise came from the corner of the room.

Hinata listened again and surely there it was. It came from behind the art supply shelf.

Hinata was frozen in place. He had seen many scary movies and an odd noise behind a shelf always led to a jump scare or trouble. He didn't want to risk his life and die in a art room.

"(Y/n)? Ya in here?" He whisper yelled into the room. The noises suddenly stopped and a sniffle was heard.

"Hinata? What are you d-doing here?" He recognized that voice, which was a relief. Yet that voice sounded strained.

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