Hinata Shoyo | Dance with me~

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I enjoyed writing this one shot, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! The media is by one of my favorite artists, Ceejles. Please go check out her tumblr, she's an amazing artist. Without further ado, let's get into the one shot!


Time really flies.

It felt like just yesterday you were entering Karasuno high school for the first time, lost and nervous.

It felt like just yesterday when the radiant boy named Hinata Shoyo befriended you.

It felt like just yesterday you fell for the ginger haired volleyball player.

It felt like just yesterday he skittishly asked you out on a date.

And now here you were, graduating your third year of high school. It's really hard to believe. You were sad for leaving all your friends yet excited for what's in your future. Good thing you had a special someone to stick with throughout your years in college.

You and Hinata applied to the same university and luckily both got accepted. After celebrating, you both decided to share a dorm throughout the 4 years. With Hinata by your side, you weren't that nervous anymore.

Today was the day of high school prom. You had just finished getting ready. You wore a (f/c) flowy dress with smooth flattering fabric. Your hair was pulled back in a half up- half down look and you had perfect makeup. You looked amazing.

Hinata picked you up from your house as well. Your mom insisted on taking a few pictures before letting you leave. He was in a dashing black suit with a bow tie that matched your dress. His hair has slicked back with what you guessed took tons of hair gel, but it was simply ravishing on him.

"You look lovely, (y/n)!" He marveled, sparkles dancing in his eyes as he took in your appearance. You giggled with a red face,

"Thank you, Shoyo. You look very handsome." You complimented him, causing the ginger to grin widely and wrap his arms around you.

"Tonight's gonna be great!" He stated. You excitedly nodded. Suddenly you felt Hinata take your hand and slide something onto your wrist.

He gave you a corsage with pretty flowers and ribbons. It matched your dress and his bow tie.

You knew tonight was going to be one of the best night of your life.

. . .

Everyone was singing and dancing along to the music in the colorful room. The lights were off and replaced by colored party lights and lasers. Sounds of people talking, laughing, and having fun blasted in your ears along with the song that emitted from the speakers.

Hinata had excused himself so he could talk with some of his guy friends from volleyball, which you understood. At the moment you were chatting with a few of your friends by the punch table, cups in hand. You were having a lot of fun just standing in the corner and talking.

A few minutes later, a song ended to be replaced by one you were familiar of.

Oh, this is Shoyo's favorite song.

Matching his personality, it was very upbeat and fast pace. You just smiled and continued your conversation.

Not even 10 seconds into the song you felt someone pull at your wrist. You turned to see Hinata grinning at you,

"(Y/n), will you come and dance with me?" He pleaded. You smiled but cocked an eyebrow.

"But Shoyo, it's not a slow song. And you know I'm not very good at dancing."

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