Kuroo Tetsurou | Doe a Deer

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1800's AU
Bandit AU

Question: What is your favorite broadway musical? Favorite character?

(I'm so sorry I've been obsessed with Hamilton lately so some of these upcoming chapters may be based off that time period and stuff)

On with the chapter! Enjoy!!!

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"(Y/n)! Go collect some food for tonight please!" Your mother called from the next room. You finished cleaning your clothing and draped the wet fabric on the clothing line. You rinsed your hands in the wooden bucket and wiped them on the apron of your knee-length dress.

"Yes mother!" Picking up a large basket, you tucked your hair behind your ear and left the house. People bustled around the small dirt roads of your village.  The small village was located on the outskirts of a thick forest, a small stream running nearby for water.

Your feet crunched the early autumn leaves as you walked down the path. Here and there, you saw some wild mint leaves and berries. You've done this so often that you were able to tell what you could and couldn't eat.

After about two hours in the deep brush, you began to head back to the village. Your basket was about full. You whistled a tune on the way back, your hair flowing with the slight breeze.

However, on the way back, you didn't hear the usual talk of people and slam of wooden doors. Everything seemed... quiet. You bit your lip and shook it off.

When your eyes caught sight of the village, they widened in confusion and slight fear. One of the hands that was grasping onto your basket handle fell to your side.

All the homes were destroyed. A flame created light, emitting from a few homes from their windows and door frames. Split wood scattered the forest floor. The few small gardens that your village had were now nothing but crushed plants and mush.

"Mother? Father? Anyone?" You called out, voice weary. With no response, you decided to investigate further.

You thought you heard footsteps behind you. You whipped your head around and saw nothing. You let out a shaky breath,

"It's probably just a deer... just a deer..."

You began to take a few steps into your village. Your throat closed up at the sight of more damage. The fact no one seemed to be there made it all worse. There was no sound beside the crackling of the flames that spread even further.

"Doe a deer... a f-female deer..." You softly sang in hopes to calm your nerves. Your cold hand shook as it held the basket.

"Ray a drop of golden sun..."

The flames danced in your eyes as you stared into your home. Images of your family making dinner and laughing together in that house made your eyes water.

"Me a name a call myself..." a faint and unfamiliar voice sang from around you. You panicked, not being able to tell where he was.

More tears fell from your eyes. The horrid feeling of being watched crept over you as you paced some more.

"Far a long long way to...-" The almost silent sound of footsteps emerged once again. You stopped in your place, "-...run"

You gulped and stopped your song to listen for another sign.

"Aw keep singing for me, my songbird." A male's husky voice came from somewhere in your surroundings. You held back the urge to scream. You were shaking more than the leaves that blew in the wind and into the fire.

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