Tsukishima Kei | Sleep Over

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"Tsukki~!" You squeal and jump onto the tall blonde's back. He makes a shocked noise as your body leaps onto his. He stumbles a bit but manages to regain his posture. Your wrap your arms lightly around his neck and nuzzle into Tsukki as he wraps his arms under your thighs and holds you up onto his back by instinct.

You were the only person that would ever get away with something like this with Tsukishima. If anyone else leaped onto his back for a piggy back ride, they would either be thrown onto the ground or kicked off. You were allowed to though, because you were his girlfriend.

No one knows how you managed to make your way into the salty boy's heart. Some thought it was magic or luck when others thought you were simply skilled when it came to boys like him. Tsukishima barely ever showed signs of affection towards you in public, as you were the one who made the first romantic gestures. On the rare occasion where the two of you were alone however, he did do things like kiss you on the forehead and hold you in his arms. Nonetheless, you meant a lot to the middle blocker and he meant a lot to you. He just had an odd way of showing it.

"Hey Tsukki! Hi (Y/N)!" You heard a voice behind you and angled your head to see,

"Hey Yamaguchi!" You say in your usual happy voice. The dark haired boy made his way over to the two of you. He walked beside you and Tsukishima, taking notice in the way Tsukki was carrying you.

"Wow Tsukki! This is the first time you carried (Y/N) like this in public! Finally deciding to show your love, huh?" Yamaguchi chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows. You stifled a laugh as Tsukki huffed,

"Shut up Yamaguchi"

"Gomen, Tsukki!" Yamaguchi scratched the back of his neck and chuckled, "So, how was school (y/n)-San?"

"It was boring, like always..." You close your eyes and lean your head on your boyfriend's shoulder. You suddenly got an idea and spoke up,

"Hey Tsukki! Wanna have a sleepover?" You chirped into his ear. You saw him glance back at your hopeful glowing face before nodding,


I happily hug him, "I'll come to your place at 7:30, is that ok?"

"That's fine with me."

"Yay!" You smiled with joy. This was going to be the first time you slept over your boyfriend's place. Or even been there for that matter. You haven't had the chance to visit Tsukishima outside of school or his volleyball practices. You were genuinely excited.

*Time skip brought to you by Kuroo's bedhead*

You hummed a random tune as you packed your bag for the sleepover. You made sure you had everything you needed before looking for Pj's. Searching through your drawers, you came across the perfect pair of Pajamas. You grinned as you placed your favorite onesie into your bag.

After you were done packing, you headed downstairs to take the cookies out of the oven. Yes, you decided to make some cookies for Tsukki. The aroma of baked goodness filled your nostrils as you pulled out the tray of warm chocolate chip cookies. Placing them neatly on a plate, you then gathered all of your stuff and began your journey to Tsukishima's home.


You lightly knocked on the door to his house and waited patiently. Quicker than expected, you heard the door unlocking and it swung open to reveal Kei in nothing but a light blue t-shirt with a T-Rex on it and black sweatpants. You give him a large grin,

"Hey Tsukki, I brought cookies!" You hold the plate out in front of you with a wide smile. The blonde lightly smiled back and looks at the well made treats.

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