Daichi Sawamura | Wake up... Please

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I'm writing this one in first person because I want to change things up a bit. Enjoy!

I can't remember how I ended up wherever I was. I can't even tell you where I was because no matter how hard I tried, my eyes wouldn't open. All I can remember was my car coming to a stop, another vehicle slamming into me from behind, and my head slamming into the dashboard. Other than that, I can't tell you a thing.

All I could hear was a constant beeping. It was getting super annoying and I wanted to get up and smash whatever was emitting it, but I couldn't move either. I was stuck laying down on what felt like a bed.

Every day I would feel someone poke me and gently shake me. I wanted to ask them what they were doing, but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't speak, move, open my eyes, stand, nothing. They would talk to me a lot too, saying "It helps her stay grounded". What's that supposed to mean?

I remember the first day I was in this mystery place, though. There were people in the room with me. I could barely hear what they were saying. I felt people touch my hands and hug me. I wanted to hug back. But, you guessed it, I couldn't. I felt someone stab me in the arm with what I guess was a needle. Soon after, everyone was gone.

Everyday after that there would be people in my room. I could hear their voices talking but it was all muffled. Two of them sounded very familiar though. They would talk to me and read to me. Someone would hold my hand or poke my face. I even felt someone kiss me once. I wanted to talk to them and tell them I was here too, but nothing came out. I was yelling at the top of my lungs for someone to help me open my eyes and move my limbs however nothing ever happened.

I think I may be dead or something. I have no idea what is going on. I heard a door open and close and footsteps. "Hey, can you help me out here? I've been stuck and blind for the past.... How long has it been?" I said, but I didn't hear my voice. I felt another needle and a few pokes. "Hey, stop touching me and help!"


One day I heard footsteps lead to my bed. My hearing has been getting better, so I heard them talk to me. They were the only one in the room.

"Hey (y/n), how are you? I got you some flowers." I wanted to cry. I know that voice. God, how much I needed to hear it.

"Daichi! I'm here! I can finally hear you!" I cried in joy. I could hear his voice! His beautiful, sweet voice! Oh how much I've missed it. I sensed him holding something in front of my face. They were tulips. I could smell them faintly through the tube in my nose. I heard Daichi pull up a chair next to my bed and sit down. He took my hand is his larger ones. It seems my senses are getting better, too! I could actually feel his rough skin without it being "fuzzy". It used to feel like I was trying to touch things with a numb hand, but now it's not.

I was happy until I heard a sniff. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" Of course, he couldn't hear anything I said. His grip on my hand grew tighter.

"Why...w-why haven't you woken up yet?"

What do you mean? I'm right here! Why can't you seem to hear or feel me? I'm trying to move, Daichi! I really am, but I can't. Please help me.

"It hasn't been the same, (y/n). It's r-really hard." He started crying. No no no! Don't cry!

Dammit! I can't hug him. I can't even kiss him. I can't show him that I'm here! What is wrong with me?!

I had to endure 5 minutes of hearing Daichi cry and squeeze my hand. At that point I realized that I needed to stop whatever it is that I'm doing so I could open my eyes again.

The next day I heard my mothers voice. Get up and hug her! Greet her!

"Hi honey. I brought you something."

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