Lev Haiba | You're So Cliche!

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Question: What do you look like? (In real life of course!)

I have blonde hair that goes down to my waist with green eyes. I'm 5'6" and a little chubby, but it's ok. I'm one of those people who get pale in the winter but literally change race in the summer.

(Update: this was written 4 years ago, so my appearance has changed HAHA I'm currently pretty much the same but I cut my hair to my shoulders, got wispy bangs, and dyed it silver)
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Today was one of your regular Sundays. However this Sunday put you in a good mood because unlike the past few days, the sun was out and the temperature wasn't giving you frostbite. The first signs of spring we're here and you were welcoming it with open arms.

Every Sunday, you always go to the same coffee shop on your way to the library to finish up your last minute work. For some reason leaving the house to do work motivates you to actually finish it.

You walk down the street, your shoes hitting the ground with each step. Your hair bounces with your movements and the sun tickles your (s/c) skin.

You couldn't help but smile at every person who walked by. You were in such a happy mood that nothing could stop you. Adjusting your bag strap, you open the door to the little coffee shop.

A bell rings informing everyone that you have entered, the little Twinkle sounded even nicer today.

Luckily, there was a short line so you were able to order quickly. Once you got up to the counter, you smiled at the barista.

He was new. You could tell almost immediately at the way he carried himself and mostly on the fact you haven't seen him here before.

He had neatly combed silver locks that glistened in the subtle sunlight that leaked through the windows. He was tall enough that you had to crane your neck to look him in the eye.

And gosh, those eyes.

You found yourself staring into them, lost in the color. His eyes resembled real emeralds and you were astonished on how pretty they were.

"Good morning, ma'am. What can I get you today?" His voice was a melody. You felt the blush creeping onto your cheeks.

"May I please have a (favorite coffee drink) please," You fidget with the strap of your bag, "Thanks."

"No problem! And can I have your name?" The male looked at you for an answer, a pen resting in his hand.

"My...My name?"

He lightly chuckles, "For your order."

"O-Oh! Right... S-Sorry, it's (y/n)," You told yourself to forget that just happened so you didn't ruin your mood.

The barista grinned as he scribbled onto the cup, "Such a pretty name."

You blush and giggle, "Thank you!"

He shoots you a smile and gets to work on your order. You wait by the other end of the counter for your drink.

For a moment you took out your phone to take advantage of the free wifi. As you scrolled through your Instagram, you would peak up a few times to watch the new barista work on your drink.

You weren't sure why, but something about him made you want to stare at him for hours. Creepy, right?

A few times you would catch him stealing a glance at you while you weren't looking. Even worse, both of you would make eye contact when you both looked up at each other.

Finally, your drink was finished. He carefully handed you the drink and you took a sip to test it. It was perfect.

You gave him a smile, "Thank you, have an amazing day!"

"You too," He grinned. As you were walking away, you looked down at your cup, curious if he spelled your name right.

What you saw instead caught you by surprise.

In somewhat messy handwriting, the words written on the cup did not spell out your name at all. Instead it wrote,

You're really pretty

Under the compliment there was a string of numbers you only guessed to be his phone number. Your jaw dropped and you couldn't stop the redness swelling in your cheeks.

You turn around to see him looking in your direction, as if he was waiting for your response. It was cute the way his face showed curiosity and hope.

Your lips peeled back into a goofy grin, "That's so cliche!"

The barista's eyes slightly widen and you could tell he was nervous that you were going to shut him down.

It was too beautiful of a day for mean things like that though.

"I like it," You finish with an accepting look. The male grinned like an idiot and silently cheered. You laughed.

You put your hand up to your ear in a symbol of a "phone", mouthing the words to him right before you walked out the door.

"Call me"

He excitedly nodded at you, making you smile. Exiting the shop, you took another long sip of your drink. You took a quick glance into the window to see him taking another customer's order. His face was brighter than the sun beaming down on you.

Suddenly it felt like an even nicer day.

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