Kageyama Tobio | Keep your eyes on me

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Question: What is an interesting or cool talent or skill of yours? I'm a "writer", an artist, and a volleyball player. I also have the amazing capability to make people laugh.

Military AU!

Warning: Have tissue box in hand
(Also this chapter is longer than the line to Hell so be prepared)

(This has been in the works for weeks and I tried really hard so yeah...Enjoy!)

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"I can't let this happen!" The male in front of you shouted. You tried to hush him, but he waved the paper with your locations in your face.

"How dare the general separate us?! I need to stay with you at all times, (y/n).  I need to be there to protect you!" His grip on your shoulders was even tighter this time. His blue eyes were wide in worry and anger.

Both you and Tobio are in the army. You met during boot camp years ago and would go out on dates on your time off. Tobio proposed to you after three years and of course, you said yes. You both planned to finish out this year before taking a break to start your lives together.

"Tobio listen to me. I will be just fine. We both trained hard for this moment, we can handle it. Even if we are apart. Now we must listen to the general's orders to carry out our duties." For good measure, you wrapped your arms around your fiancé. Kageyama let out a shaky breath before returning the hug.

"We both signed ourselves up for this. We've been in dangerous situations before and we're still alive. This is just the same." Your calm voice entered his ear. Kageyama kissed your head.


. . .

"Get into positions!" Your general's voice boomed across the chorus of men and women in uniform. Every soldier bore guns and backpacks, faces grim and strong.

You held your head high, but your eyes shifted to Kageyama, who was a few rows away from you. He looked scary, frowning face and proud stance. You had the upmost confidence in him and his skill. No matter what, you were always proud of how far the both of you have gotten. You smiled at him without anyone noticing before looking away.

Just as you looked away, Kageyama looked over to you. You looked ready and confident, even a bit of excitement sparkling in those eyes of yours. He bit his lip at the thought of those eyes losing their light. He took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. He hated not being near you, but there's no stopping it now. You both had orders to follow.

. . .

"Kageyama get down!" A fellow soldier called over the gunfire. Kageyama ducked just as a grenade came flying overhead. It landed behind him and he felt panic rise in his throat. At the last second, he threw it back where it came seconds before it exploded. He let out a breath.

"Don't stop! We must keep this post." The general commanded. Kageyama looked through the sniper's aim and fired into an enemies head. He fired a few more shots before ducking back behind the brick wall. Suddenly, the man next to him fell to the ground, a bullet wound entering the side of his skull.

Kageyama took a moment to dig into his uniforms breast pocket to pull out a crumbled picture. The photo was of you and Kageyama touching foreheads and smiling at a festival during the summer you both had off from duty. Kageyama stared at it longingly, kissed it, and folded it back into his pocket before getting back into battle. He killed a few more incoming enemies, adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Back at your post, you sat on the top of a building with a clear view of the streets below. A few of your comrades hid in alleys and behind walls beneath you. Just as you looked through the sight of your gun, enemy soldiers appeared and rained fire on the men below. You gritted your teeth and killed as many as you could before reloading your sniper. A fellow soldier next to you did the same.

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