Tendō Satori | Winter weather

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You bury your head father into your soft blanket in hopes to rid of the cold reaching you. Even though you were wearing one of your boyfriend's soft sweaters (which was huge on you) and sweatpants, you couldn't help but still feel chilly. Probably because your shared apartment's heater was broken and the building staff didn't fix it yet.

You have always hated winter only for the weather. You much rather preferred wearing Tshirts and shorts over jackets and boots. The cold has always seemed to put you in a grumpy mood.

At the moment, you were cuddling in your large bed under the duvet covers. Luckily, the warmth was captured inside your protective layer and the blankets shielded you from the freezing air.

You were just messing around on your phone, doing whatever you usually do when your bored. You would get up and do something productive if it weren't for the damn broken heater ruining everything. Just the thought of leaving the bed and being exposed to the cold air made you shiver. You let out a quiet huff.

Sooner or later, you ended up falling asleep.

. . .

Your eyes fluttered open to the sound of a door opening and someone stepping inside. You got paranoid thinking it was an intruder before you heard their voice, which eased your thoughts,

"Whew! It sure is cold!"

You felt yourself smile. You waited as the person got settled back into the house, taking off their shoes and such.

"Where's my (y/n)? Is she hiding from me?" The person called in a teasing voice. You giggled, "I'm in here, Satori"

The sound of footsteps came closer until you were able to see your boyfriend standing in the doorway.

He leaned against the doorframe and looked at you in amusement. His reddish eyes almost seemed to mock your current state, but his soft smile proved otherwise.

"Are you cold?" He asked. You gave him a quick nod.

"I'll go make some hot cocoa, hm?" Tendou spun on his heel and headed for the kitchen. You didn't even have to say anything because you knew each other so well. It came to the point in your relationship where one of you could tell if the other had to pee or not just by looking at their facial expression. Go ahead and call it weird, but that's just how you and Satori were.

He finally came back with two mugs in his hands. He handed you yours and put his down on the nightstand so he could change. You took a sip, and it was delicious. Tendou came back in a hoodie and sweatpants.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked and you shook your head,

"Not at all"

You waited as Satori slipped underneath the covers and got comfy. Once he was satisfied, he reached over to his mug and brought it to his lips. You took another gulp, being careful not to accidentally spill the warm liquid.

The sound of the mug being placed on the nightstand causes you to look next to you. You look, only to see Satori snuggling into your chest. As he begins to nuzzle his head into your shoulder, you place your mug down on the nightstand to avoid a spill. After doing so, you allow your boyfriend to wrap his limbs around you, including his legs, which were caging you in.

He closes his eyes and says in a smooth voice, "I'm the koala and you are my eucalyptus tree"

You hold back a chuckle and retort, "That can't be valid, considering the fact you are literally a tree"

Tendou opens his eyes and looks up at your smirking face, "Is that so?"

You hum a yes. Satori gives you an amused look, "How am I a tree?"

You wrap all your arms around him like he had been doing to you, "First of all, you're really tall. And trees are tall. Also," You reach a hand up to comb your fingers through his red hair, "You'r hair is spiky like tree branches."

Tendou lets out a chuckle, "So if I'm a tree, that makes you my koala."

His large hand pets your head as if you were a koala. You grin up at him, "What do I have in common with a koala?"

He thinks for a moment before saying, "Well, you spend a lot of your time eating a sleeping, like a koala."

You nod, not hiding the fact you were lazy. You were about to come back with a sassy comment, but Satori wasn't finished,

"But koalas are super cute, just like you"

You cheeks turn pink and you nuzzle your head into his chest.

"Thank you" Your quiet voice is muffled a bit. While your face is in his chest, he couldn't help but smile down at you. Man, was he lucky. Satori kisses the top of your head before pulling you even closer to him, if that was even possible.

By now you had completely forgotten about the cold weather and peacefully fell asleep in your boyfriend's arms, letting your unfinished hot cocoa slowly get cold along with the outside air.

Oooo look at me publishing two chapters in one day. Aren't I an overachiever. Bow to me.

Just kidding.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm going to try and update more often because I have been busy lately. I'm in a school musical (Annie Jr.) and that's been taking up a lot of my time along with volleyball. So I tried to fit in some writing today, so sorry if it's crappy.

I'll see you all next update! Love ya guys! <3

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