Yaku Morisuke | I've got you

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Tonight you were very nervous. Why? Your friends have decided that the proper way to celebrate Halloween is to visit the abandoned hospital outside of town. And they are forcing you to go. You hated stuff like this, yet you didn't want to seem like a chicken, so you gave in. All of your friends were excited about it, so you didn't want to ruin the fun either.

After all your friends met up at the park nearby, you all began to walk to the hospital. One of them paused,

"Wait, isn't Yaku coming?" This lifted up your thoughts. Yaku was one of your closest friends and you had a tiny crush on him, so his presence would make you feel better. Besides, he has a very calming vibe. And him being here means you could spend more time with him. But the next thing you heard crushed your happy thoughts, "Nah, he said he is busy tonight and may not be able to make it. However, he may ride his bike to the hospital later, I don't know."

The group continued on the journey to the dreaded destination. You were shaking the whole way there. This was because all your friends kept making the situation worse by saying,

"I heard it was haunted!"

"Me too!"

"I heard a woman died there and still roams the halls"

The all burst into laughter, but you were doing the opposite. You regretted your decision as soon as you got there. The building was tall and old. Some of the bricks on the outside were chipped and broken and all the plants were dead. Windows were broken and there were no signs of life.

Once you entered, the smell hit you like a truck. The stench of mold and old dust made you almost gag. But your friends insisted on exploring. You asked to use your phone as a flashlight so you could see where you were going. Once you turned it on, you saw the long, dark hallway ahead. You let out a shaky breath before following your daring friends.

All of you went to the second floor, and apparently that's where all the surgeries took place. Just the thought of people being cut open and dying here made you light headed.

"Guys... we've seen enough. I think we should g-go." You muttered, your (e/c) eyes glancing around. Your friends looked at each other and smirked. One of them spoke up,

"(Y/n), are you scared?"

You hesitantly shook your head. No way are you confessing to that. But they saw right through it. Some began to laugh, "(Y/n)'s a scaredy cat!"

You frowned, "Knock it off! I'm not scared!"

One of the boys in the group stepped forward with a grin on his face, "Oh really?"

You nodded. Big mistake,

"Then prove it!"

Suddenly you got shoved into the closest room. Your eyes landed on the rusty surgical tools sitting on a cart in the corner and the moldy hospital bed. The group laughed as they closed the door on you, closing you in the room. You screamed for them to let you out, but they gave no response. The sound of them giggling and their feet tapping the stairs made you realize your alone in here. Your eyes began to water as fear overtook your whole body. You used your light to look around the room.

When you heard a noise come from outside the door, you whimpered and ran to the corner. Curling up into a ball, you began to sob.

POV change to outside

Everyone stumbled outside the hospital laughing. One of them piped up after the laughter ceased, "Should we go get her?"

The same boy that pushed you into the room shook his head, "Nah, let's see how long she can last in there before she comes running out!"

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