Daisuga x Daughter! Reader | Lullaby

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(Y/n) is a very bad sleeper. Most babies fall asleep anywhere whenever they're tired, but she is way more difficult. It takes a long to put (y/n) to sleep. She can only relax if she has a bottle in hand and someone singing to her. Yet when certain people try these things, she does the opposite of relaxing. But once she's asleep, she is most likely asleep for the whole night.

However, whenever Daichi tries to put her to sleep, she never does. (Y/n) either stays awake or has a fit.

"Shhh (y/n)," the male rocks her back and forth and coos, "please stop crying."

It was hopeless. No matter what Daichi did, he could not get little (y/n) to calm down and fall asleep. He tried giving her a bottle, but that didn't work. He tried rocking her back and forth, that didn't work. He tried to sing her a lullaby, but that only made her cry. He would ask Suga to help, but he was asleep in the bedroom and Daichi didn't want to wake him.

"Twinkle twinkle little star-" Daichi tried to sing again only to be cut off by another loud wail. He sweatdropped.

Suddenly he heard quiet footsteps behind him. Daichi sighed as he felt Suga's hand on his shoulder,

"Is she not falling asleep?" Koushi asked in a whisper. Daichi nodded,

"I'm sorry for waking you... But no matter what I do she won't stop crying"

With a tired smile, Suga motions for him to hand over (y/n). He does and Suga paces over to the rocking chair in the corner of the nursery. Sitting down in it, he cradles (y/n) in his arms and begins to slowly rock back and forth. Daichi watches as Suga opens his mouth to sing.

"Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes." His voice is angelic as he sings over her crying. His voice matches each note perfectly.

"Rest your head close to my heart,
Never to part, baby of mine.
Little one, when you play,
Pay no heed what they say.
Let your eyes sparkle and shine,
Never a tear, baby of mine."

(Y/n) had stopped crying at this point and just stared up at Koushi with round (e/c) eyes. Koushi leans down and touches noses with her while he sang. Daichi just watches with a loving look on his face as the two people he loves the most sit together. It really was a perfect sight.

Koushi sang the song to (y/n) until she started to get drowsy. Not only was (y/n) enjoying Koushi's singing, but Daichi too. It's not everyday when you get to hear an angel sing.

"But, you're so precious to me, Sweet as can be, baby of mine." Suga finishes the song and gives (y/n) a peck on the head. Daichi is shocked to see that the baby is fast asleep.

"How do you do it?" Daichi whispers to Koushi as he lowers (y/n) back into her crib. The silver haired male lays a soft blanket on her before turning back to Daichi.

"I'm not sure exactly," he smiles at him. Daichi walks over to the crib to look down at (y/n). Suga joins him.

"She's so cute." Suga whispers. Daichi nods,

"Yeah..." The two watch their daughter sleep for a moment. Daichi looks over at Suga and gives him a kiss.

The couple silently leaves the room. Before closing the door, Daichi peeks his head in to look at (y/n) one last time. With a soft smile, he closes the door and leaves you to sleep peacefully.

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