Asahi Azumane | 3 AM

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I always get his first and last name mixed up so sorry if they are switched. I am not very good with names, so trying to get the hold of how Japanese names work is kinda hard for me. Sorry! I hope you can still enjoy

Azumane had just finished brushing his teeth and getting changed into his pjs. He let his hair out of its bun, brown locks falling onto his shoulders and framing his face. He let out a relaxed sigh as he slipped under the covers.

Before calling it a night, the ace picked up his phone and texted his girlfriend

Goodnight, (y/n)! Sweet dreams <3

About 45 seconds later he got a reply.

Nighty night Asahi! <3

He found himself smiling at the screen before he placed his phone back down on his nightstand. Flicking off the bedside lamp, the warm glow of the lightbulb that spread across the room turned to darkness. Nothing could be heard besides the quiet hum of his ceiling fan as it spun round and round, sending cool air to his face. Very soon, the third year fell asleep.

Asahi was in such a deep sleep he hadn't heard his phone buzz with a text. He slept through the rounds of buzzing he received.

A few houses away, a sweating and teary eyed girl held her phone in her shaking palm.

She had never had a nightmare like that. It felt so real. Too real. She had to make sure nothing she saw in her dream actually happened.

(Y/n) had always been a person who believes things others may find odd or impossible. For example, she believes in aliens and ghosts. She also believes that if you dream about something, your being warned that something is going to happen. She was praying that her dream was just a silly nightmare.

When he didn't respond, which he always does, she got scared. Yeah, it is three in the morning and he's probably fast asleep, but (y/n)'s mind was too frantic to even take that into consideration. Hot tears poured down her red cheeks and she was breaking into a cold sweat.

(Y/n) was praying and praying.

Is he ok? Why isn't he answering? I need to hear his voice. I'm scared. Asahi? Asahi please answer me.

She let out a silent cry. She couldn't shake the images from her head. The feelings, images, and voices from that dream seemed all too real. She was truly terrified.

Suddenly she jumped up from her bed and ran to her closet. She slung her coat over her pjs and tiptoed into the hall. Her parents were heavy sleepers, so she didn't worry about them waking up to see her sneaking out. She wrote a quick note for them to find in the morning, telling them that she's safe. Slipping on her shoes, she left the house.

As soon as she opened the door, a brisk breeze sent a chill across her face and down her spine. Her wet cheeks made the chill even worse. (Y/n) quietly closed the door and stepped into the darkness.

As she walked along the sidewalk, her paranoia began to kick in. She shivered once again and stuffed her hands into her coat pockets. (Y/n) found herself looking behind her every 5 seconds, checking if anyone or anything is behind her. A few times she mistook a bush for a person and a wave of fear flooded her entire body. At random moments her eyes would start letting out a few tears. (Y/n) walked even faster and faster and faster until she was full on sprinting to Asahi's residence.

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