Kyoutani Kentarou | Ticklish

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Requested by MinnOwl 
Sorry it's really late. I'm sorry if Kyo Ken is ooc, I tried to make him fit with the plot as best as I can. I hope you don't mind that I changed it up a bit. Enjoy!

"You don't like physical contact do you?" You stated, looking at the boy next to you on your couch. Arms crossed, he said nothing but you already knew his answer.

You and Kyoutani have been dating for about three months. Not a long time, you know that, but you understand that relationships need some time to grow. It took a long time to befriend the volleyball player in the first place, let alone get him to ask you out. At first, you were intimidated by him. But that ended up making you feel drawn to him even more. You've always been a friendly person who loved meeting new people, so Kentarou seemed like an interesting future friend. Being the manager of the boy's team, you took that chance to get him to warm up to you and vise versa.

Long story short, you did more than just make a new friend. When Kyoutani quite adorably asked you to be his girlfriend, you could only grin like a happy child and cheer out a yes.

So ever since then, you made it your #1 priority to be the best girlfriend ever. Ok, and maybe you were a little devilish as well.

"Ken, are you ticklish?" Leaning your head against your palm, you lean towards him on the couch. The striped-haired male stared you down, as if he was daring you to test it out, "N-No"

"Really? I feel like your lying..." You snicker. Kentarou just huffs, "Don't even try it, (y/n)"

"Too late!" You laugh before springing off the couch and towards your boyfriend, hands out stretched.

Kyoutani had little time to react before your hands latched to his sides. He felt his cheeks heat up as he reached for your arms to lift you off of him. You began laughing as you tickled his sides, trying to get a reaction.

It was unbelievably hard for Kyoutani to hold back the laughter boiling up inside. As you continued to tickle him, it got harder and harder. With his face red and annoyed, he looks at you above him and was about to snap at you when he makes eye contact with your (e/c) orbs. Something inside him snaps when he sees your smiling face and suddenly, Kentarou lets out a chuckle.

Well, it starts out as a chuckle. And once you heard it, your laughter stopped and you looked at the boy below you, eyes wide and cheeks dusted pink. At that moment you realized something.

Kyoutani Kentarou's laughter was the most beautiful sound you have ever heard.

And you wanted to hear more.

Smiling once again, your hands attacked his sides. As expected, more laughter erupted from the stubborn boy and your face lit up at the lovely sound.

I wonder if he's ticklish anywhere else...

Your hands began moving from his stomach to his feet. Once you sat by his feet, you began to tickle him through his socks. You heard Kyoutani let out a gasp before you felt something slam into your forehead.

Your hand flies up to your head where Kyoutani's foot accidentally kicked you. When you began tickling his foot, his reflexes must have kicked in. Literally.

Letting out a little groan, you touch the spot lightly.

It doesn't hurt that bad... I'm fine

You suddenly feel hands clasp around your shoulders and you look to see Kentarou's face inspecting yours,

"Are you ok? Crap I'm really sorry." He looked like a puppy after they got caught chewing the remote and you couldn't help but giggle in your head.

"I'm fine," You wave a hand in his face before staring at him dead in the eye, "But now you owe me"

Something lewd popped up in the boy's mind and his face went ablaze. He was a stuttering mess by time you told him what you were really planning. Your face grew closer to his until your lips grazed his ear. You smirked,

"I want you to dress up as a puppy and snuggle with me"

You had to stifle a laugh when you felt him tense up slightly. You pull away from his ear.

"Do....D-Do I have to?"

"Yes. You did just kick me in the face, Ken"

He was silent for a moment before nodding. You grin before jumping up off the couch to get the gear you had ready for this situation. Yes, you had already planned ahead. And yes, you have always wanted to see Kentarou in a puppy costume so you went out and bought one.

. . .

You heard the door to the bathroom open quietly and you clapped in your seat. You saw Kentarou poke his head out from behind the door,

"This is so embarrassing..." He groans. You roll your eyes,

"Come on Kentarou. It's just me."

"That's what makes it worse!"

"Just come out already!"

At that, Kyoutani  fully steps out of the bathroom in the puppy onesie you had bought for him. The fabric was all light brown with a few lighter brown patches. A tail stuck out the back. You tried to conceal your fangirlish squeals,

"You're so cute! Put up the hood!"

Once he flipped the hood over his head, a small blush covered your cheeks and you couldn't help but let out a tiny squeak. The hood had floppy puppy ears on the top which added the cherry on top of the whole thing. You had completely forgotten about your head.

"Come here! I wanna cuddle with you, ya big puppy!" You stretched out your arms as he took slow steps in your direction. Once he was close enough, you grabbed him and pulled him down onto the couch.

Once the both of you got yourselves situated, you let out a relaxed sigh. Kentarou was laying on his back and you laid next to him, slightly on top of the side of his torso. His strong arms wrapped around you to prevent you from falling off the couch. But you could tell he was tense. You started to feel bad for making someone who doesn't like physical contact cuddle with you.

"Ken, are you uncomfortable? We can stop if you-"

"N-no. I don't mind it"

You angled your head to look at his face. He looked down at you and countered, "R-Really! I...I kinda like it"

You give him a happy grin and a quick kiss on the cheek, "Awe! Your so cute, Ken"

"D-Don't call me cute..."


"Stop it"


"I love you" you surprise him with the out of the blue statement. You didn't expect to hear it back, since that's just how Kyoutani is. You snuggle closer into his chest. You were caught of guard when you hear the statement  leave his lips.

"I-I love you too"

And along with his laughter, Kyoutani Kentarou saying he loves you was one the most beautiful sounds you've ever heard.

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