Kuroo Tetsurou | Goodbye part 2

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I'm an evil piece of crap so I decided I wanted to make a part 2 of the already heart-wrenching angst. Welp prepare your anuses and pour your bleach because shit's about to hit the fan all up in here! Enjoy~

Kuroo's POV

"Chance ball! Connect!"

Our libero on the professional volleyball team received the ball and got it perfectly to the setter. The setter got in position to set it in my direction. I began to run up, preparing to attack. My setter tossed the ball to me and in a blink of an eye, I slammed the ball forward. The sound of the ball hitting the ground echoed around the gym. The ball was hit with so much force it flew back up into the air after being rebounded by the floor.

When I landed, I balled my hand into a fist and whispered, slight pain lacing my words,
"Did you see that, (Y/N)?"

The game was going fine. My team was playing another team we have never played before. They were pretty good, I must admit, but We were getting used to their moves. Ever since I graduated highschool, I've been playing on a professional men's volleyball team that was in our area. We are doing pretty well, but there are some places where we need some work.

Every practice is filled with hard training, but that's alright. Even though I come home tired, I always remind myself who I'm playing for and then I'm ready to endure more the next day. Back when (Y/N) was here, our apartment was only half done, so I would come home just to plop onto the couch that sat in the middle of the room. (Y/N) would come up behind me and wrap her arms around me while kissing my forehead,

"How was practice, Ku-Ku?"

Now that she's gone, our apartment is too quiet. Too cold. Too lonely. It doesn't feel like home anymore. Coming home to an empty, dark house isn't exactly how I wished it was. All I wish for is to feel those small arms around me again and those sweet kisses...

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw the ball flying right towards me. I quickly received it, but it was a bit off from target. Luckily our setter got to it in time to be able to set it up for our wing spiker. Another point for us.

Are you still watching (Y/N)?

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and got in position while our team got ready to serve. The serve was good, but the opposing team received it anyway. They set up an attack and one of their guys spiked. Our libero dove for the ball, managing to get it up into the air.

I glanced over to the crowd for no real reason. I guess something just caught my eye somehow. When my eyes trailed over, my throat closed up.

There she was. Standing in the center of the crowd wearing a lovely long white gown. Her (h/c) hair was perfectly kept and her skin seemed to have been glowing. Her (e/c) eyes looked right into mine, a smile etched onto her features. Though she was smiling, a sad feeling seemed to emit from her. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"(Y/N)?" I ask out loud. I blink to make sure nothings clouding my vision but when I open my eyes again, she was gone. I took a moment to look around the crowd for her, the horrible feeling of desperation clawing at my chest.

All my attention was on looking for her. I needed to see her face again. At least once.

Where did you go?

My eyes skimmed across every bleacher in hopes to see her smiling face staring back at me.

Come back! Please!


The sound of ball making contact with the court echoed around me. I look to see the ball being slammed down next to me. I was too distracted to see that the other team set up an attack and killed it.

I stare down at my hands in disappointment before cursing myself.

Stop trying to look for what's lost

. . .

The other team was at match point. My team was tired, but we didn't plan on stopping anytime soon. I wasn't distracted once I told myself this was for (Y/N). I guess I needed that extra motivation to get my head back in the game.

Every time they attacked, we managed to receive it. But the same thing was happening the other way around too. It was like a never ending cycle of pass, set, spike.

"Sorry! It's off!" One of my teammates yelled out as the ball flew in a awkward direction. Someone else managed to get to it and sent it flying to me.

Dammit... It's kinda low and a little far to the left... I guess I've got to make due with what I have...

I let out a sound of annoyance as I jump up into the air. The ball is right at my left hand, ready to spike. I find it harder to hit with my left hand, but I may be able to pull it off. Everything seems to go in slow motion for a couple if moments and I take in everything around me.

Three blockers' arms were high in front of me, blocking the other side of the court from my vision.

I made eye contact with the middle blocker for a quick moment, both of our eyes swimming with determination.

The crowd is cheering and rooting loudly, their yells ringing in my ears.

My eye catches something on the bleachers again and I see the same beautiful angel, watching my every move. Her (e/c) orbs lock with my amber ones and everything seems to completely stop for a single moment. Suddenly, (Y/N)'s pink lips begin to move, mouthing something. Though she was only mouthing it, I heard her soft voice in my ears over all the noise,

"You got this, Ku-Ku. I love you."

Something in me falters as everything goes back to normal. In an instant, I slam the ball directly in front of me, forgetting the blockers that still flew high.


The ball reflected off the middle blockers arm and went directly onto our sure of the court. Our libero and one other player dove forward, but didn't make it in time. The echo of ball against court shook me back to reality. My eyes widened in horror when I realized we had just lost the match.

. . .

After drying off most of the sweat from my skin, I take a quick swig if my water bottle. Emotions are boiling up inside me and I hate it. My couch is giving a quick talk to my team, but I'm not completely listening. Instead, I'm looking around for those same pair of (e/c) orbs and (h/c) locks somewhere in the crowd. But after looking around the whole gym with my eyes, I realize she's gone. My chest goes empty only to be filled with disappointment.

I silently walk over to the metal benches and take a seat. I feel my team staring at me. They are probably all disappointed that I screwed up a simple spike and lost the game. I throw my towel over my head and rest my elbows on my knees.

This sucks. Everything sucks. Why the one most important and happy time in my life had to be taken away from me is a question I want the answer to. It happened three months ago, why can't I move on? Why am I still suffering? Why me? Why her?

God, I'm so pathetic. Here I am, crying under a gym towel grieving while I could getting back up and making something out of my messed up life. I know I shouldn't be like this. She wouldn't like it.

(Y/N) would want me to move on and find happiness. She would want me to forget about her and find another girl. But how can I do that when she's all that mattered to me? We had our whole lives planned out together until fate yanked her out of my arms. I feel more hot tears drip down my cheeks. Good thing my face is blocked by the towel or I would have everyone surrounding me with concerned expressions.

I suddenly let out a strained chuckle through the sobs. It would seem like I'm going insane if someone saw me right now. I grab both sides of my head and whisper quietly,

(Y/N)... Are you still there?

Can you show me how to move on?


Sorry that was really bad... If you find any mistakes please tell me. I'm super tired so I probably missed some details or whatever. Thanks for reading

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