Hinata Shoyo | Baby

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Stepping into the still house, Hinata quietly closed the front door and took off his shoes and coat. A smile on his face, he walked towards the bedroom at the end of the hall, knowing you were in there.

Opening the door, he whispered, "(Y/n), I'm home."

Once he saw you, his heart fluttered just like the first time the two of you met.

You were sleeping in the bed you shared. Your (h/c) hair was spread out around you like the rays from the sun. You looked so peaceful that Shoyo couldn't help but sit down on the edge of the bed and stroke your soft cheek with the back of his fingers. Leaning down, he planted a warm kiss on your forehead. He thought you were the most beautiful woman in the whole world.

You began to stir and Hinata felt bad for accidentally waking you from your slumber. You slowly sat up and rubbed your eyes.

"Hello, sleeping beauty." Hinata held one of your hands in his and gave you another kiss. You smile tiredly.

"How are you feeling?" Shoyo looked into your eyes, taking in the beauty of your (e/c) orbs. You grin, "I'm feeling great, Shoyo"

Hinata smiles widely and crouches down in front of your large stomach.

You were 7 months pregnant with your husband's child. You couldn't be happier to be starting a family with the love of your life. Shoyo was over the moon when you told him the news, he wouldn't stop kissing and hugging you. Even back during the first week, he would talk to your tummy as if the baby could hear every word.

Hinata gently rubs your tummy and speaks to the baby, making you giggle.

"Hi, baby Hinata! I can't wait to see you!" Shoyo smiles against your stomach, "I bet your enjoying you're time in there, but you'll need to come out soon so you can meet your mommy and daddy!"

"We both finished your room! It's painted orange. And guess what, it's volleyball themed!" Shoyo said with excitement, "You're gonna be the best volleyball player in school. Even better than the little giant! I can't wait to teach you how to spike and jump high like 'whoosh'!"

"I'll even ask Kageyama to teach you how to serve!"

You let out a chuckle. Hinata presses his ear against your stomach.

"I promise to be the best dad ever, ok?" His brown eyes meet yours, gazing lovingly,

"And (y/n) will no doubt be the greatest mother in the world," Hinata lifts your shirt up a bit to leave a kiss on your tummy, "I love you and your mommy so much"

Holding his face in your hands, you lift Shoyo's head up to yours. He smiled as you press your lips into his. Nothing seemed to matter but you and your beautiful family in the making. You had never thought you would be so blessed to have them in your life.

Shoyo pulled away after a few moments, "(y/n)! Don't let little Hinata see! Their too young!"

You roll your eyes playfully, "They can't see us, silly. Besides, I won't ever stop loving you, no matter who's watching"

Shoyo pulled you in for a tight hug, making sure not to hurt your stomach in the process. Gripping onto his torso, you dig your head into his neck and breathe in his scent.

"I can't put into words how much you mean to me (y/n). Thank you for carrying our baby."

"I love you too, Shoyo. You and the baby mean everything to me."

The two of you stayed like that, hugging for what seemed like forever. The room was silent before you let out a gasp.

Hinata looked at you in worry, thinking something was wrong. You reassured him with a smile, "I felt a kick!"

Hinata laughs, "They're going to be pretty hyper, I bet!"

"I think I know who they get it from" You joke.

"They will probably get their looks from you then, (y/n)" Hinata lays down next to you, hand not parting from your tummy. "We will have to protect our child from the boys/girls in their class because they will light up the room!" Hinata pulls you closer to him so now both of you are laying on your sides, facing each other.

It was quiet as the two of you layer there together, not saying a word. Hinata reached out to touch your cheek,

"You're so beautiful..." He whispered. Though he says it all the time, your face turns pink. Shoyo chuckles at this and brings you closer to his chest. As you snuggle into him, Shoyo rubs your back, "You're going to be a great mother, (y/n)"

"And you're going to be an even better father"

"I'm so excited for us."

"Me too. I love you Shoyo."

"I love you more"

"I love you most"


I freaking loved writing this. Hinata is so precious and amazing I'm-

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. I will try to update soon! Keep sending requests! See ya! 💙

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