Kuroo Tetsurou | I won't let you go

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He's doing it again.

The thing you hate.

The thing you love.

The one thing that made you fall for him yet makes you hate him.

That stupid habit.

You watched as your boyfriend laughed with another third year girl. His arm was wrapped around her smaller frame. From here you could see she was blushing and loving every minute of it. But you despised every minute of it.

You loved Kuroo. You really did. But you hated how he flirted with almost every girl. It was his flirtatious attitude that made you fall for him in the first place, so you didn't understand what was going through your head.

It's just how he is.


You shake your head and turn away from the scene. You walk to class alone.

. . .

A few days after that you managed to walk with Kuroo to school. Since then you have witnessed a lot of flirting going on between Kuroo and other girls. You knew it was obsessive and creepy, but you didn't give a shit. He had flirted with at least 6 other girls in a three day time period. None of which were you.

You listened as Kuroo talked about his classes.

"And I'm doing a project with Mae-chan. She's really nice and smart, so I was lucky to be paired with her. How about you, (y/n)? Got anything new?"

You stayed quiet for a moment. Mae-chan was beautiful. She had (opposite of your hair color) hair that was down to her waist. She had (light/dark) eyes and perfect skin. She was skinny and kind to everyone. You had plain (h/l) (h/c) locks and (e/c) eyes. You weren't skinny, but you weren't fat either. You compared yourself to others a lot. It was a problem and it only brought you down.

Speaking of others, there were a lot of girls at Nekoma that were better than you. There's this one girl in your History class that looks like a goddess. Another in your math class that is skilled at almost everything. And you? You couldn't think of anything special about you that could match up to these girls. This made you wonder

Why is Kuroo even with me?

He could do so much better

Why? How am I special to him?

Am I... Holding him back?

The thought made you really sad, but you ignored the feeling and turned back to Kuroo.

"Nothing new."

You took in a breath before speaking again, "Hey Kuroo?"


"Can you be honest with me for a second?"

"Uh, of course... Why?"

You closed your eyes, "Why are you still with me?"

You kind of flinched after how bad that sounded, but you waited for his answer anyway. You felt his cat-like eyes stare down at you but you couldn't look back. Your gaze stayed on the ground and both of you stopped walking.

"What do you mean?"

You had to get it all out, so you did.

"I mean why are you wasting your time? There are so many other girls in our school who can make you happier. I'm plain and boring. You... You can do so much better Kuroo. You're perfect and can woo over any girl you want, so why me? Why not Mae-chan? Why not any other girl?"

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