Iwaoi x Daughter! Reader | Daddy's Girl

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"You can do it, baby! Just say Dada!" The brunette held the small child on his lap, holding her baby fist in his larger hand. His husband, who was in the other room, chuckled to himself. The couple had recently adopted a baby girl. After getting married, Hajime and Tooru decided to complete their family with a child of their own. So know the two are taking care of the newest addition to their family, Baby (y/n).

"Come on (y/n)!" Tooru tried using his puppy eyes, but that clearly didn't work on the baby girl. Her large (e/c) eyes almost mocked him as she giggled. She was so young she probably didn't understand one word coming out of his mouth. Heck, she barely even had hair. Only puffy tufts of (h/c) sat on her head.

Hajime called from the other room, "Don't try and force her to talk yet. She will when she's ready, Tooru" Hajime was still getting used to the fact he can't call the brunette 'Crappykawa' or 'Trashykawa' anymore because he now shared the surname Iwaizumi, and it just wouldn't work.

"I'm not forcing her! I'm simply egging her on, that's all."

Hajime sighed again and continued to read his book. Tooru, on the the other hand, refused to give up.

"You can do it (y/n). Just say 'Dada'" The baby only blubbered, but she seemed to be trying. Tooru's eyes lit up.

"That's it! 'Dada'! Say 'Dada'"

(Y/n) blubbered again, but it was clearer this time, "D... Gaa..."

"Yes! I believe in you, Baby-chan!" Tooru cheered her on, using the nickname that makes her laugh.

The baby blubbered for a few minutes, getting closer and closer to forming each letter. Tooru kept cheering her on and holding her little hand. After a few minutes, (y/n) blubbered out,


Tooru leapt onto his feet, spinning the small baby around. She laughed as she twirled in the air. Tooru planted a kiss on her forehead before running down the hall.

Hajime was quietly reading when the door swung open with a loud bang. His head shot up from his book as Tooru came flying in the room with (y/n) in his arms.


Hajime cut him off, "No cursing around the baby! Be careful with her, idiot!"

Tooru quietly apologized and sat on the edge of the bed, handing (y/n) over to Hajime. By instinct, the male pecked her on the head before cradling her carefully.

"Guess what!" Tooru cheered. Hajime raised a brow,



Hajime looked down at the (h/c) child in his arms, who was smiling. He smiled, "Did you, (y/n)?"

She just blabbered in response, "Bla...Bla..."

Hajime kissed his daughter on the nose. When (y/n) held his face in her small hands, he grinned at her. Their foreheads were touching and (y/n) laughed.

Tooru was almost dying at how cute the whole thing was.

Scooting towards them, Tooru Lied down next to Hajime, giving him the puppy look.

"Why does she get all your love?" He whines. Hajime just gives him a look,

"Because she's better than you" Tooru lets out a fake gasp, knowing he was only kidding. (Y/n) suddenly reaches forward and pokes his nose with her tiny finger,


Tooru takes (y/n) into his arms, "That's right! I am your dada!"

(Y/n) turns to look at Hajime, who was looking over at the two. She points at him before  speaking,


The males look at each other in confusion. Tooru speaks, "Go ahead, (y/n)."

She struggles to talk, but manages to pull it off,


Tooru bursted into laughter. He had to hand (y/n) over to his husband because he was laughing so hard,

"She just called you Mama!" He wheezes for air, wiping a tear from his eye, "She thinks your a mom, Hajime! Hahaha!"

(Y/n) was watching her father in confusion. Why was he making a weird noise from his mouth? Why was he crying? Is he hungry?

She looks back at Hajime before looking over at Tooru. His laughter finally died down and Hajime was going to smack him until something stopped both of them,


Both boys slowly looked at (y/n), who was pointing at Hajime. Her face looked serious. Tooru was trying to decide which name sounded funnier, mama or daddy. Of course his mind went to something else.

"Holy shi-" Tooru was cut off again,


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