Hinata Shoyo | Do You Even Read?

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To my literature fans out there

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Hinata had never stepped foot in a library on his own accord.

The only reason he would ever enter one would be to get his little sister a picture book, but that's it.

But here he was, awkwardly standing around in a library waiting for Natsu. She declared she wanted to go alone today, but Hinata would not allow her to leave completely by herself. So they agreed that she would be allowed to walk around independently as long as he was in the building.

Not knowing what he was supposed to do, the ginger paced over to lounge area. The space was decorated with color coordinated cushions and couches, and the color choice was, what he could guess, to induce relation and focus. Well, he did feel pretty chill. Maybe the colors were doing their job.

The couch he decided to sit on made him want to melt into it. So comfy...

He looked around for any source of entertainment. All he got was shelves of book spines and the smell of paper.

But soon enough his eye caught something way more interesting than those simple things.

Legs crossed and book resting neatly on her lap, a girl around his age read the thick piece of literature intently. Her (e/c) eyes scanned every page. (H/c) locks were pulled back into a braid that rested on her left shoulder. (Short haired beauties ignore this part)

Just like her with her book, Hinata couldn't look away. He knew he had to or he'd look creepy, so he forced his gaze upon the book shelves once more. He would sneak little glances in her direction whenever he could.

Hinata was too...simple... of a person to understand this odd attraction to the girl. Yeah, she was pretty. But why did he find the need to embrace her gift of beauty every passing moment?

He soon realized she would probably notice his constant looks, so as normally as possible, the teen stood up from his couch and picked a random book off a shelf. It felt thick in his hand as he returned to his spot.

Flipping to some random page, he pretended to be sucked into this book. But really, he would just look at the girl across from him.

Suddenly, she lifted her eyes from her book to catch him staring. Face burning red, Hinata shot his eyes back down to the pages. A soft little chuckle came from the girl.

"I never knew boys liked to read The Twilight Series," Hinata almost swooned at the sound of her voice, but swallowed hard when he realized she was talking to him, "Do you like it?"

He cleared his throat and slowly lowered his book, "Like what...?"

There was a pause, "The...book?"

Hinata began rambling. God he looked so stupid!

"Uh.. yeah! I mean no. I... um... I'm just going for something new?" Epic fail for the ginger boy.

The girl chuckled again, "I see. Well sorry to bother you, I don't want to interfere with your... 'well written' novel."

No he didn't want her to stop talking to him, "No it's ok!"

He said it a bit too loud, because he felt a glare come from the old lady behind the receptionist desk.

(Y/n) shrugged and closed her book, not without sticking her bookmark in first.

"So...uh..." Hinata totally lost his train of thought. Toot toot? "What are you reading?"

"Oh, I'm reading (favorite book) by (author)," She looked fondly at the book on her lap, "I really like it."

Hinata wished she would look at him like she looked at that book. Could he really be beaten by a stack of paper?

"What's it about?"

This got her attention. The boy was amazed at how excited she got. As she explained the plot and how she's read it three times, Hinata couldn't help but wonder... was reading actually fun? I mean, all you do is stare at a dead tree for hours and hallucinate.

More importantly, he liked listening to her voice. Watching her hands move with her words. Looking at her face as it showed so many emotion. And he got all of this just by her explaining her favorite book.

"Wow," he smiled once she finished, "that sounds really cool."

And he meant it.

She girl shifted her braid behind her, "I'm (y/n)... by the way."

"Hinata Shoyo," he grinned. He liked her name.

"Nice to formally make your acquaintance, Hinata." (Y/n) nodded at him.

"What kind of books do you normally read?" She asked the killer question.

What does he say? Should he be honest or...

"I like a lot of books," He said too confidently, putting his book down and running a hand through his hair. He saw Suga-Senpai do it once and he swore he heard a girl squeal, so it should totally work now right?

(Y/n) just cocked an amused brow, but went along with it, "Oh alright then, what kind?"

He started to realize she saw right through his lies, but didn't want to stop.

"Well uh... I like... um... fiction? And ah..."

(Y/n) giggled. Hinayana almost ascended to heaven at the sound.

"Do you happen to like Shakespeare?" Now she was simply messing with him, how cruel.

"Who's that?" Hinayana said dumbly.

(Y/n)'s eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her head, "Are you telling me you don't know Shakespeare?!"

Hinata just stared at her and she let out a baffled laugh.

"Ok I'll let you off on that one I guess," She rolled her eyes teasingly, "But seriously, I highly recommend reading more often. It's fun, relaxing, and great for stimulating the brain,"

She tapped her head at the last part before standing up and searching the aisles nearby Hinata. Finally she picked up a book and walked over to receptionist to check it out. She scribbled something down real quick before walking back to him.

"Start with this, I think you'll like it."

Hinata studies the cover before giving her a nod, "I'll try."

She gives him a beaming smile before beginning to leave. Hinata watched her figure walk away before calling her back.

"(Y/n) wait!"

She spun on her heel to face him.

"Where can I find you again?" His face lit up and resembled a tomato. (Y/n) gave him a flirty smile.

"I'll be in here every Thursday and Friday," she waved and continued to walk out, but not before ushering her gaze at the book tucked under his arm, as if telling him to open it.

So he did.

And there stuck a little yellow post it note, neatly written upon.

You should stop by sometime, hope you like the book! - (y/n)
P.S. , (insert your phone number)

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