Oikawa Tooru | Laser guns and Kisses

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"Ready to go, (Y/N)-chan?" A cheerful voice called from the car that you were making your way towards. Smiling, you bounded forward and opened the passenger seat door. Taking a seat, you turn to the boy sitting behind you,

"Happy Birthday, Tooru!" You chirp happily. The corners of the brunette's eyes wrinkle when he grins, which you find utterly adorable,

"Thanks, (Y/N)-chan! I'm glad you could come with us! Let's go have some fun!" You take this chance to look at Oikawa's clothes, and you almost laugh at his gray sweater with an alien on the front. He is also wearing nice jeans and green converse. Next to you, Iwazumi wore a simple teal green t shirt and dark denim jeans. For tonight's event, you decided to wear a black skirt, cute (f/c) shirt, and black Vans sneakers.

"Let's go, then." Hajime says, beginning to pull out of your driveway. You are really excited to be spending Oikawa's birthday with him and Iwazumi. The three of you had been pretty close friends ever since the beginning of high school when you moved here. You were honestly super nervous to be coming to a new school, not knowing anyone there. But the first person to say hello to you was the one sitting in the seat behind you. Though it may be weird, You could remember the exact thing he had said to you that day,

"Yahoo! You must be new here, I'm Oikawa Tooru! Nice to meet you!"

Smiling slightly at the memory, you look out the front window of the car as the three of you drive to wherever you were going. You didn't know what Oikawa's plans were for tonight, but it didn't matter one bit. As long as the three of you had fun, especially Tooru, that's all that mattered.

"Hey, Oikawa. Where are we going anyway?" Hajime seemed to have the same thoughts as you. You heard Oikawa hum, signaling that he was thinking.

"Well, I thought it would be fun if we went to the arcade we used to go to all the time as kids, Iwa-chan. Since we are all graduating, We could act like kids again before responsibility takes over our lives. You know, to bring back memories and stuff." He points out and you laugh.

"That was so cheesy it triggered my dairy allergy." You chuckle. You hear Tooru let out a fake gasp,

"(Y/N)-chan! How mean!"

"But you aren't even allergic to dairy..." Iwazumi mumbled. You giggled,

"I'm joking, Tooru. Let's do it! It sounds fun!"

You could almost feel Oikawa grinning in excitement as Iwazumi drove in the direction of whatever arcade he was talking about. He must have really liked this place. You don't remember ever going to an arcade in this area, but you were interested to find out what made Tooru so excited about it.

After a few minutes of driving, Iwazumi pulls into the parking lot of a pretty big building. The front of the building had a large sign with a spaceship on it that read,

"Space Invader's Arcade"

"Look, Iwa-chan! It hasn't changed!" Oikawa leaned forward out of his seat.

"I can see that, Oikawa."

"Let's go inside!" The sounds of the car doors clicking open signaled the start of a really fun night.

As soon as you stepped into the building, you were overwhelmed with space decorations. The carpet was patterned with alien spaceships, the walls were dark with glowing stars, the black lights made anything white glow up, and alien props were scattered around the room. And this was only the beginning,

"Iwa-chan! It's exactly like when we were little!" Oikawa jumped up and down like the children that scattered around the lobby. You playfully rolled your eyes at his behavior,

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