Oikawa Tooru | Get him away from me!

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"Go Tooru! You got this!" You call down onto the court from the bleachers. It was the second set of the game, and it was intense. It was the first official match against Karasuno for this season. You had made sure to wear the proper clothes to support your school. You had on a teal headband and your shirt looked exactly like Tooru's jersey, but in a female cut. The back of the shirt reads "Belongs to" and then Oikawa's number underneath. In all, it says "Belongs to #1"

You went not only to support your boyfriend, but because you loved volleyball. For both you and Oikawa, it was the first relationship you had where both partners had the same interests. That why you have been together so long.

"Nice serve, Tooru!" You cup your hands around your mouth to scream even louder. He must have heard you, because his chocolate eyes looked up at you in the first row and winked in your direction. Some of the fan girls behind you squealed and imagined it was for them, but you knew better.

You watch in awe as Tooru serves a hard one straight into the back corner of the court. It ends up giving Seijoh a point so you cheer loudly. Aoba was in the lead. Your hands were wildly clapping for the team.

You continued to watch the game and scream your head off. You must have looked insane to some people, but really you were just a very supportive girlfriend to the team captain.

In the end, Seijoh took the win. A defeated looking Karasuno lay on the other side of the net as your team rejoiced.

At this point, you were getting dizzy from yelling so much. You lost so much of your breath that your vision was growing hazy. You almost fell over until someone helped you regain your balance. Once you were ok to stand on your own, you began to stand up straight. However, your helper wasn't letting go of you.

"Be careful, you could've fell and hurt your pretty face. Maybe you should lay down." A deep voice spoke. You cocked your eyebrow.

"Thank you for helping me, but I'm ok now." You tried to pull away again, but the grip on your body was too much to pry off. You felt a warm breath on your neck.

"You're really cute. Why don't you lay down with me. Do you want to come to my place later?" A husky voice whispered against your skin. You frowned and retorted,

"Read the shirt, buddy. Not interested." You managed to wriggle out of his hold and lean against the railing. You glare into his blue eyes and he responds with a smirk.

"Well your boyfriend isn't paying attention to you right now, so it won't matter. He doesn't have to know~" The male stepped closer to you and tried to caress your cheek, but you slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me." You growled. He ignored you and grabbed both of your wrists with his one hand. The other held your waist. You felt his lips come in contact with your neck and you shivered.

"S-Stop!" You shouted at him, only to receive another kiss on your collarbone. His hand traveled down and squeezed your butt. This made you angry.

"Listen, asswipe. When a someone tells you to stop, you stop! Get off me!" You managed to shove him off of you. The guy just grinned,

"Awe, you're a feisty one! That's even cuter"

He tried to make another move on you, but you weren't going to let him. You threw your knee up hard, coming in contact with his crotch. He let out a gasp followed by a groan of pain. His hands covered his crotch as he fell to his knees. You took the chance to run.

You were running down the stairs when you heard an angry voice yell after you.

"You bitch! Come back here!" You could tell his goal wasn't to sweet talk you anymore, but to possibly hurt you. You gulped as you bounded off the third step and jumped to the floor.

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