Kenma Kozume | Nap time

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You let out a defeated groan. You, once again, lost the game you were playing. It was a boss level that you couldn't seem to beat. However, you kept trying only to be defeated again and again. Tossing away the controller, you roll back onto the bed and let out a sigh.

Kenma, who was laying next to you playing on his PSP, looks up from his game to look at you. "Lost?"

"Yeah. This level is way too hard." You give him a sad puppy look to get your point across.

"I can relate. I seem to be stuck on a level as well."

"Good luck..." You breathe out.

"Thanks" He says before looking back at his game. You continued to lay on our back and stare at the ceiling. Your arms and legs were splayed out like a starfish and your hair laid above your head. The room went back to silence.

The bi-haired male must have noticed your quietness. You're usually loud and energetic, the complete opposite of Kenma. It's kinda odd how you two are even compatible. Maybe your loudness makes up for his lack of dialogue and vise versa. It's like two piece of a puzzle, they might not look alike but they fill in each others missing spots.

Upon noticing, he pauses his game to shuffle over to where you were. You didn't notice him moving over to you and you continued to have a staring contest with the ceiling. Kenma huffs and puts down his PSP so he could crouch next to your laying figure. His petite body resembled much of a cat waiting for attention.

You finally glanced down to see your boyfriend hunched near your body, staring at you expectantly. You grin and pat your stomach. He was waiting for your approval to cuddle into your chest, which he loves to do. As soon as Kenma snuggles into you, you wrap your arms and legs around him, caging him in.

"I want to cuddle." Kenma speaks up quietly. You don't even need to say anything. You immediately get into a comfy position on the bed and he does the same. It ended up you being the big spoon and him being the small one. Some people may think Kenma should be the big spoon, but you prefer doing the hugging and Kenma likes being hugged. Only if it's by you, though.

You close your eyes and dig your face into the hair you loved so much. It always smelled like apples.

Not only did Kenma like being hugged, he liked to hold hands with you too. He's not sure why, but holding hands makes it feel like your really there. He doesn't know how to explain it, so you just go with it. You quite enjoy holding his hand as well. Reaching over, your one arm drops over him to reach his awaiting hand. Your fingers interlace perfectly.

The two of you sit in each others silence. Every once and a while, Kenma would plant a shy kiss on the back of your hand. You blushed at this.

The only sounds in the room were your breathing and the quiet music from the video game on the screen. After a few minutes, you both fell asleep together.

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