Nishinoya Yuu | Savior

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You had never been a party person. While your friends love having fun at clubs and parties, you would much rather stay in your dorm and relax. Being exposed to so many unknown people tends to make you feel anxious and uncomfortable. Also, you were pretty shy.

But tonight was an exception. It was your 21st birthday.

Your go-to plan was to invite your best friends over to celebrate. Just a small party with snacks and movies. But they all insisted the four of you went out to the closest club for a bit. And of course, your first reaction was Oh hell no

You were against it at first, but then your friends got down on their hands and knees and begged, so you gave in. The excited girls pulled you into your room to get you into comfy yet club-suitable clothes. One of them told you that since you had such natural beauty, you didn't need much makeup. With that, the four of you left the house.

So here you were, standing awkwardly in the corner of the club drinking (favorite drink). Your friends had went to dance, leaving you alone. It was fine with you, as long as they were having fun. And there was no way you were stepping foot in that dance floor.

Suddenly one of your friends appeared from the crowd of people. She grabbed your arm, "Come on and dance, (y/n)!"

You shook your head with a laugh, "No thanks, I can't dance"

"Nonsense!" Your friend put your drink down on a table and began pulling you into the crowd. The two of you maneuvered between partying strangers the best you could. A group of people cut in front of you, cutting you off from your friend. When the group passed, you tried to find your friend again, but she was no where in sight. Oh no.

You looked around you, only seeing people that you didn't know. You began to panic. There were so many people on the dance floor that you couldn't see past their bodies. Being naturally short didn't help your case.

This isn't good

You began to move around, hoping to bump into one of your friends. You felt as if everyone was watching you, and you hated it. You never liked attention.

The feeling of a hand was on your shoulder, so you turned around to see a guy you have never seen before. He had a glass in his hand and a smirk on his face.

"Hey doll, you look nervous. What's wrong?"

Is it that obvious that I'm lost? I must look like a child.

You swallowed, "U-Um... I'm just trying to find my friends..."

To your disliking, The guy moved closer, "Why don't you hang out with me? A pretty girl like you shouldn't be wandering around alone."

"N-No thank you... I h-have to go-"

"Oh come on," the guy laced his hand around your wrist. You yanked your hand away only for him to grasp it again, "Have some fun, why don't ya?"

"I don't want t-to!" You raise your voice. Your eyes flash around, hoping to see one of your friends. Why did you ever agree to come here?

The seemingly drunk man got agitated, his grip beginning to hurt your wrist. His tone was much harsher than before, "Now listen here-"

"Hey babe! There you are!" A new voice made you turn your head. Next to you was another unknown male. The creep let go of your wrist to look at the guy standing next to you. He had piercing brown eyes and dark hair. His hair was spiky and a tuft in the front was dyed blonde. He hesitantly grasped your  hand, "I've been looking for you!"

He gave you a smile. You had to admit, he was really cute. But was he trying to hit on you too?

The brown eyed man turned to the one in front of you, "Who are you? And what are you doing with my girlfriend?"

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