Oikawa Tooru | Neglect

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Question: Do ya like memes?

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You sat alone in your room, your back pressed up against the wall and your knees tight against your chest. Your mind was deep in thought, only one person on your mind.

Oikawa Tooru.

Oh, the things that boy did to you. How he made you think. How he made you feel. How he made you blush.

Oikawa Tooru, at one point, had complete control over your heart.

Yes, you still love and care for him, but something was different. Something was off.

To put things into simpler terms, you and Tooru had a very unique and confusing relationship.

Let me sum it all up for you.

You and Oikawa had been dating since the beginning of your third year. At first, everything was just right. Nothing was wrong and you both were happy.

But there was one thing that rubbed you the wrong way.

Ever since Oikawa and you had officially been in a relationship, he told you he wanted it to be secret. So that meant no hugging or kissing in public. No holding hands on the way home or flirting in the halls. The only time you two could romantically interact was behind closed doors.

Why you ask?

Oikawa claimed it was to protect you from his fangirls. Those girls would go to great lengths for their idol, so if they ever found out their precious "Oikawa-Kun" had been claimed by another...

Oh boy... all hell would break loose.

At first you understood his concerns.

But now... it doesn't seem right.

Not only will he refrain from treating you like his girlfriend, sometimes he won't even look your way or speak to you. No, he isn't mad at you, but it almost seems like he's too busy with his fans to even make any time for you.

Now this is what got you.

What if he was embarrassed by you?

You weren't very popular. You did have friends and a lot of people liked you, but you could never be on Oikawa's level. Also, you were an average girl. You didn't have a perfect body or hair. You were beautiful, yes, but so were other girls. You were you.

What if Oikawa is trying to slowly break ties with you? It seems like he's been growing farther and farther, so what else could be happening? Maybe he's trying to separate himself from you.

So here you were, contemplating on your entire relationship with the volleyball captain.

But there was another thing as well.

To help cope with the fact your boyfriend was neglecting you, you began to hang out with someone close to him. His best friend to be exact.

Iwaizumi Hajime.

You have always liked Iwaizumi. Though he gives off a mean vibe, he was actually very kind. He may treat Oikawa like trash, but that's only because he can be annoying sometimes. Poor Iwaizumi, he had to grow up with him.


Iwaizumi must have seen this whole thing coming as soon as you and Oikawa started your relationship. Hajime isn't stupid. He noticed too when Oikawa began to neglect you, so he took it into his own hands to make you happier. It was his way of distracting you from the fact Oikawa was being an asshole. He would talk to you, invite you to games, and even (on a very rare occasion) mildly flirt. And honestly you enjoyed being around the ace. You liked to talk and spend time with him.

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