Nishinoya Yuu | Fanboy

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Question of the day: What was your favorite One Shot in this book so far? I don't have a favorite!

"Look! Here she comes!" A girl whispered to her friend in the hall, her eyes widening as the other student walked by.

"She looks so good..."

"Does she try or is it all natural?" A jealous peer questioned, pouting at the fact her classmate was so pretty and flawless.

"Good morning, (y/n)-chan!" A flustered boy greeted you. Your (e/c) eyes widened at the call of your name and you turned to face the boy. Smiling brightly, you waved at him.

"Good morning!" Your happy voice rung throughout the halls despite being so quiet. The poor boy flushed a deeper shade of red and almost dropped to his knees.
"Sh-She said g-g-good morning to me..."

(L/n) (Y/n). Also known as the second year goddess. Everyone in the school knew your name or face. You were sometimes talked about as Kiyoko Shimizu's disciple. People were either jealous of you or adored you. Most boys went head over heels for you. You would think it would take a lot of friends to be this popular, but in your case, it was your looks alone.

You usually kept to yourself, so you didn't have anyone you would call your close friend. Of course you were friendly to everyone, though. You were very shy yet always in a peaceful mood. No one has ever seen you angry or upset before. Also, your innocent personality made it impossible for anyone to dislike you. Even if they wanted to, no one could ever hate (L/n) (y/n).

Not many people knew much about you besides the fact your smart, kind, shy, and drop dead gorgeous. In your own time, you liked photography and reading. Sometimes you would bring your camera to school to snap a few aesthetic photos to print for your collection, or sometimes you would just take pictures of a snack you tried to remember what it was later.

"I wish I was like her..." a first year muttered to herself. You knew people were staring at you as you walked by, but you accepted the fact that's just how it was. You honestly didn't mind being stared at. It made you feel pretty and boosted your self esteem when you needed it.

A few feet away stood a blushing boy, staring in awe as you approached.

"I'm gonna do it..." he whispered to his friend. His friend nudged his shoulder in encouragement,

"Go get her, Noya-San! Men don't back down!" Ryuu shoved his shorter pal forward and into the middle of the hallway, right in front of your path. Noticing him there, you smiled lightly at him, causing his jaw to fall open a bit.

"Good morning, Nishinoya-kun."

He lost it. Face burning, he took in a deep breath to compose himself before letting himself speak. He knew he was going to mess this up...

"Mornin' (y/n)-san! How are you doing?" He asked, a bright smile taking on his features as he scratched the back of his neck. You smiled,

"I'm doing good, thanks. You?"

Omg she asked me how I'm doing

"I-I'm fine...thanks..." Nishinoya found himself lost for words. The girl in front of him made his mind go to pieces and his heart swell. He was so blessed to be speaking to her. The goddess of the second years. Words couldn't explain how hard Noya was crushing on her.

"So...uh... (y/n)-San..." He tried to form a sentence. Heck, even words for the matter. Nishinoya glanced at Ryuu, who was watching from behind a locker over (y/n)'s shoulder, for some moral support before attempting to continue.

"Well.... I know how much you like to take pictures and stuff..." Just as he spoke, your eyes widened.

"Oh, how do you know I'm a photographer?" You asked. He blushed.

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