Tsukishima Kei | I didn't know you can sing like that

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Question: Which Haikyuu character are you most compatible with? For me, I think Tendou or Bokuto.

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(Y/n) slowly lowered herself down onto the soft mattress of her bed with a huff, holding her stomach. Once she sat down, she sighed in relief and rubbed her belly.

"Whew, I didn't think being pregnant could be this tiring!" She laughed before settling herself under the covers.

(Y/n) was 8 months pregnant with her first child. She and her husband were ecstatic when they found out the news. Everyone celebrated and her husband invested a lot of time into making sure (y/n) was perfectly fine every second of the day. Not a moment went by when he wasn't fretting over their well-being.

Once she was comfy, (Y/n) found herself staring at the empty spot next to her and letting out another quiet sigh. She shook herself out of it by reminding herself that her husband will be home from work soon. Since she spends all of her time at home now, (y/n) gets lonely while her husband works. At least she has the baby to talk to.

Before she knew it, (y/n) fell asleep alone.


An hour passed and Tsukishima was on his way home from work. While riding home, thoughts about his wife and unborn child raced through his mind.

How was (y/n) doing at home by herself?

Should he bring her food just in case of a craving?

Is she in pain?

Did something happen?

Are they ready to be parents?

Is he ready to be a dad?

Tsukishima did his best not to worry too much, reminding himself that he and his lovely wife will make it through together.

Finally, he pulled up into his driveway and got out of the car. Upon entering his home, Kei got ready for bed immediately.

After he was ready to settle down, he entered the bedroom to see (y/n) sleeping. It triggered something in his brain to make him smile.

After a moment of watching his wife, He walked over to the bed and positioned himself next to (y/n)'s large stomach. He found himself absentmindedly rubbing her stomach and staring at (y/n)'s face as she softly snored.

Kei wasn't one to show much emotion, but one thing is for sure. He was totally and forever in love with his wife. He found her beautiful and charming. Funny and witty. Smart and quick minded. She was his everything. One of his favorite parts about having a child is that the baby is going to look just like his (y/n). He was also excited to give his love to a child of his own.

Tsukishima looked back down at her tummy, smiled lightly, and kissed it.

Tsukishima made sure (y/n) was asleep by softly calling her name. When he got no response, he began to whisper to the baby.

"Hey Little Tsukishima junior. You don't know this yet, but I love you more than anything. Well, maybe besides (y/n), but I love you both so so much," Kei wanted to scold himself for being so open, but he couldn't help it. The joy bubbling up inside him was too much for him not to share.

"I promise I'm going to be the best dad I can be. I'll raise you, protect you, and make sure you become the greatest you can be. I'll do anything for you," His gaze falls on (y/n), "and (y/n)."

After a moment of silence, Tsukishima embarrasses himself with a stupid question.

"Has your mommy sung to you before?" He pretended to wait for a response. He knew she did, but he wanted to play around a bit, "No? How awful of her. I think I could be a better host for you beautiful infestation than (Y/n) here. She'll have to fix up her act before you take over her body. For now though..."

Kei was about to open his mouth, but his mind told him to stop. He made sure (y/n) was fast asleep before even making a sound. The last thing he wanted was to get teased.

Finally, he lowered his head closer to the baby and began to sing a lullaby.

"Twinkle twinkly little star, how I wonder what you are,"

"Up above this world so high, like a diamond in the sky"

"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, how I wonder what you are."

Tsukishima finished the short tune with a kiss on (y/n)'s stomach. Though he thought no one was listening, he still found himself embarrassed. That was the first time he sung to more than one person.

Just as he laid down next to (y/n) in the bed, he was about to snuggle up against her when he heard her voice.

"I didn't know you could sing like that."

Kei froze in his spot. She wasn't asleep?

"How much did you hear?" He gulped. (Y/n) chuckled in the darkness and moved closer to Kei's chest.

"All I needed to," She smiled at him though he couldn't see. Tsukishima let out a sigh but took (y/n) into his arms anyway.

"Well I hope you enjoyed it because you'll never hear it again," He knew it was a lie.

(Y/n) whined, "Nooo I love listening to your voice Kei."

"Too bad," He taunted her jokingly.

"Not even for the baby?"

They both knew she got him know. He wouldn't ever say no to the baby.

"Only for the baby. Not you," He decided.

(Y/n) pretended to be offended, "But I have to carry it around for 9 months! I deserve at least some of your love!"

Kei chuckled into her (h/c) locks and held her close to his body.

"You both have all of it."

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