Akaashi Keiji | Shy part 2

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Akaashi's POV

Today was the day I was going to try and find (y/n)-San. I don't really know what she looks like, so it may be hard to find her but I'm not just going to give up. This is the first time I actually got a note from a girl so I want to try and make something more out of it. Actually, this whole experience is kinda making me feel all giddy.

I asked our manager what (y/n)-San looked like. She told me she had (h/l) (h/c) hair with (e/c) eyes. She was (height) tall and always had her hair up in a messy bun.

Whenever I got the chance, I would try to seek her out during training. I would see her at the water fountains, but as soon as I got a chance to talk to her, she would be gone.

Finally I saw her alone at the end of practice. I was actually nervous, which was surprising. I would have asked someone for advice, but the only people I speak to are my team mates and if I ever ask them anything about relationships, the word would get back to Bokuto-San and all hell would break loose. So in this situation, I decided to wing it.

I wiped the sweat from my hands onto my shirt and began to approach the (h/c) girl. She was standing alone and writing a few things in her clip board.

"Hello, are you (y/n)-San? I'm Akaashi Keiji." I did my best to make my voice come out smooth, even though I was shaking a bit on the inside. What's going on with me?

(Y/n) squeaked and slightly jumped at my voice. She began shaking too once she saw me. She made a few odd noises before speaking.

"H-Hello, Akaashi-Kun..." Her eyes were glued to the floor. Her hands gripped onto her board for dear life and I think I saw a sweatdrop roll down her face. I took another step closer,

"I got your not and I just wanted to sa-"

(Y/n) yelped and began to run off, "I'm s-sorry, but I-I have to go."

I tried to stop her, but she was off. I let out a defeated sigh. What's the matter? Am I scary?

The next day I decided to pursue her again, but still had no luck. (Y/n) would make eye contact with me and quickly scramble in the opposite direction.

I found Yachi-San and decided to ask her about (y/n). To my surprise even Yachi let out a quiet Yelp and sweat dropped when I spoke to her. Maybe it's just a Karasuno thing.

I explained to her my situation with (y/n) and she just smiled, "(Y/n) is very shy. And if you haven't noticed already, she has a pretty big crush on you, Akaashi-kun."

My eyes widened and I tried to suppress the blush rising onto my cheeks. She has a crush? On me? How? We never talked.

"So how do you recommend talking to her to get her to warm up to me?" I let the question leave my lips even though my gut told me not to. Man, this whole situation is so different that now I'm making choices I would never have before.

Yachi thought for a moment before digging in her bag. She handed me a pen and notepad, "Try starting here."

. . .

I sat on my futon while the rest of the team was asleep. Bokuto-San snored loudly next to me.

My pen scribbled across the notepad Yachi-San gave me. Using my phone as a light, I wrote a note for (L/n)-San. It was kinda hard because I really didn't know what to say.

Greetings, (y/n)-San

No, too proper. She seems like a shy yet simple person. So...

Hello, (y/n)-San

Ok, now what?

How have you been?


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