Nishinoya Yuu | Moving on

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Noya felt his eyes flutter open and he slowly sat up. He looked to his left to see an empty spot beside him. Drowsily getting out of bed, he leaves the bedroom and shuffles into the kitchen. He heard the small noise of a page turning and turns his head to see his beloved wife reading at the kitchen table.

"Good morning, baby" He smiles and walks over to her. She smiles up at him,

"Good morning." Yuu takes her chin in his hand and gives her a warm kiss on the lips. When he pulls away, he chuckles,

"(Y/n), why are your lips so cold? Are you chilly?"

The girl just shrugs. Noya makes himself and (Y/n) a quick breakfast of eggs and bacon. He slides her plate across the table to her as he sits down. He speaks as he eats,

"So I was thinking we could go into town today. I haven't seen Suga or Daichi in a while so I was thinking we could stop by their store as well. Is that ok?"

(Y/n) nods with a happy look on her face, "That sounds fun!"

So after getting ready, the two walk to town hand in hand. At one point Noya leans down to give her a kiss on the head, which she giggles at. After a while of walking around town and window shopping, (Y/n) points to a store.

"Can we go in there please?" She asks with a puppy face. Yuu chuckles and says yes. The couple walks in and (Y/n) begins looking around. Noya comes up behind her,

"Do you want to get something?" He rests his chin on top of her head as she scrolls through the clothes on the rack. She looks up at him,

"Are you sure you're ok with that?"

"Anything for you."

(Y/n) found herself giggling at his attempt to be suave. Everyone knows that under his cool demeanor, Noya is just a love-struck dork.

She sees a shirt she likes and Noya examines it. He nods, "I think it will look nice on you."

(Y/n) blushes, "T-Thank you"

After purchasing the shirt, Yuu offers to carry the bag

"Would you like to go get lunch, dear?" Noya asks her. She nods. The couple decides to eat at (favorite restaurant).

Yuu pulls out a chair for (y/n) and grins charmingly at her. She grins back. Once she sat down, he gives her another kiss on the lips. Noya sits across from (y/n) and smiles at her with a loving look on his face. She blushes, "Why are you staring? Is this something on my face?"

"Nope, just pure beauty." He says with a grin. The female blushes even deeper and stammers,

"D-Don't say things like that!"

He shrugs, "I can't help it."

When it comes time for them order their food, the waitress skips over. She smiles brightly at Noya, "Hello, Sir! What can I get you today?"

Noya reads off his menu, "I'll have the beef ramen," he glances at (y/n), who nods at him with a smile. (Y/n) sometimes gets nervous talking to people, even waitresses. So Noya spoke for her, "and my wife will have (favorite food)"

The lady glances over at (y/n) in her seat and cocks an eyebrow. She stares at Yuu in confusion for a moment. The waitress opens her mouth to speak, but quickly closes it and gives him a wary smile.

"Right away, sir." She quickly hurries off. Nishinoya watches her go before looking back at (y/n),

"What was that all about?" He smiles in confusion. (Y/n) shrugs.

Once their food comes, the two chat and enjoy their food. But every time Yuu speaks to (y/n), people glance over at him in confusion. Some even whispered to their partner. He ignores them however.

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