Kuroo Testurou | Under the Weather

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Hey guys!!!! It's been while, a few years to be exact. I hope to update this book as much as I can, but since I'm a senior in highschool now it may be difficult. Anyway, it's nice to be back! Enjoy!

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You let out a groan as you heard a knock on your bedroom door. You pulled the blanket over your head as your roommate stepped into the room.

"(Y/n), what the hell? We're gonna be late to class," He walked over to the side of your bed, setting his school bag down by the door. You let out another groan.

"Go without me, I think I'm dying," You retorted. That morning, you woke up feeling like utter shit. Your head was pounding, your muscles ached, and your throat hurt like hell.

"Ah, under the weather are we? Nice try, Chibi-chan, but you can't fool me this time," Kuroo chuckled.

As kids, you would always try to miss school by telling your parents you were sick. Kuroo would show up to your house after school to see you relaxing, perfectly healthy, while your parents were at work. In high school, you tried to pull the same trick on Kuroo when he'd show up to walk with you to school, and he barely ever fell for it.

The raven-haired male yanked back the blanket you were using to shield yourself. However, just by taking one look at you, he knew you weren't lying this time. You were pale besides the feverish blush on your cheeks, and your eye bags were 10 times more prominent.

"Jeez, you look like death warmed over," He commented bluntly, and you glared at him. This made Kuroo laugh.

"Alright, alright! I guess, as your best friend, roommate," he whispered the next part under his breath, "and future husband-"

"What was that last part?"

"Nothing! Anyway, It's my responsibility to take care of you, Chibi-chan," He pats your head, sliding the back of his hand to your forehead.

"Holy shit, you're burning up."

"If you wanted to call me hot you could have just said it," you tried to laugh, but you were cut off by a coughing fit. Kuroo just rolled his eyes.

"Sit tight while I get you food and medicine." He began to leave your room when you cocked an eyebrow.

"Wait, what about class?"

Kuroo looks at you over his shoulder, "It's fine, I'll just email our professor that we both came down with a fever. They'll probably understand considering we share a dorm."

You snuggled back under your blankets as Kuroo came back into your room with a tray. He handed you an unfamiliar tea with some pills.

"Are you trying to poison me? I heard if your roommate dies, the university won't replace them, so you'll have the place to yourself. See? I can see right through your evil plans-"

"Just drink up and don't argue with me, Chibi-chan," Kuroo rolls his eyes at you as you observe the tea before drinking it. After taking your medicine, he hands you a plate of food.

"Can you eat? Or do I have to feed you?"

"Good lord I may be sick but I'm not on my deathbed," you object, taking the chopsticks and eating quickly to spite him.

"Well screw me for trying to be nice I guess," Kuroo pretends to be annoyed, but you both know you're just messing with each other.

"Screw you? At least take me out to dinner first-"

"Will you just shut yer trap and eat?!" Kuroo cuts you off, trying to hide the small blush that's growing on his cheeks.

If it wasn't obvious already, Kuroo had been crushing on you since the end of high school. Despite knowing you for much longer, he never noticed his own attraction until he was older. Lucky for him, you both went to the same university and dormed together.

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