Sugawara Koushi | Every Little Flaw

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Question of the day: Tea or coffee? Favorite flavor/type?

You were not perfect.

You had your many flaws. Big and small. Easy to hide or easy to see, you had them.

It was your third year in high school and your life was far from perfect.

There's only one way to put it, really. Your life was a mess.

No matter how hard you tried, you still found it so hard to talk to your parents about things that are crushing you inside.

Your grades were dropping slowly. So far, you had two C's, One D, and the rest were low A's.

And every time you tried to study and finish your loads of work late at night after your sports practice, you ended up passing out on your desk and sleeping past your alarm.

Sometimes you came to school looking like you just got out of war. Sweatpants and messy buns were your best friends.

The Caffeine level in your body was higher than your self esteem.

You spent five minutes each night poking at tummy fat in the mirror, wishing you were someone else.

You were always sleep deprived.

Never once have you reminded yourself how much your really worth.

Your life was barely together and you had no idea how to mend it.

Every day you wondered whether or not you were still a human being or just a machine.

But through it all, through all of the dread and mess, he was there.

Oh god, he was always there. And you loved it.

He supported you.

He helped you with your work and studies.

He without doing anything reminds you how much you love him.

He rubbed your back and held your hair when you threw up after too many drinks.

He made sure you went to bed and woke up comfortable.

He kisses you every day before and in between classes.

He holds your hand in public.

He warms you up with afternoon cuddles.

He cooked for you when you forgot to eat.

He told you how much he adores you.

He calls you beautiful, sweet, and everything in between.

He never hurts you.

He is perfect.

He has no flaws.

And yet he loves all of yours.

He loves you and every little flaw.

I tried to make this sound poetic...

That didn't happen.

I'm glad to start posting again though!

School sucks and I've never been so stressed in my life but I'm still here and I'm happy for that. I hope you all are doing well and loving yourself just as much as I love you!

Good luck to everyone in school and I hope you all have a lovely day.

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