Bokuto Koutarou | Don't Say Those Things

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Hey guys! Quick self promo lol. I just started a My Hero Academia x Reader one-shot book! If you're interested and/or like the show, it would mean a lot to me if you went and checked it out! It'll be on my page and I'm hoping to update it as frequently as possible! Thanks and enjoy!

Bokuto x Chubby (Y/n)!

I myself am on the chubbier side, and I've been feelings horrible about my body image for a long time now. I know I'm not alone feeling like this, so I hope this chapter can lift anyone's spirits! For those who don't know, Bokuto canonically likes chubby girls :) so chin up beautiful, whenever you have a hard time loving yourself, remember our favorite himbo loves you no matter what!

. . .

They say you're your own biggest critic.

And you are no exception to that theory, if anything you are living proof of it.

You never understood how people could be so positive, so carefree about the way they look. Some people are so effortlessly pretty that they don't have to put as much thought into how things fit, or what they wear. While others look cute in oversized clothes, you feel it looks like you're obviously trying to hide something. While others can wear pretty skirts and tops, you feel like they never fit right. Hell, some people can leave the house in little to no makeup and look flawless, and yet here you are either baking your face or feeling insecure without it. What's it like to live like that? What's it like to not cry over the way you look? What's it like to pass a mirror and still have a nice day? You wouldn't know, as much as you wish you did, it felt impossible.

As you stand in the bathroom, you lift your head up from boring a hole into the sink and stare at your reflection with disdain. You feel your hands grip the edge of the sink as tears well up in your eyes.

Damn... I'm even an ugly crier...

You silently cry as your self deprecating thoughts drown you, filling your lungs with emptiness and loathing. Desperately clawing for the surface as you sink lower and lower, darkness overtaking your view of the light, the happiness. With one last reach for the sparkling ripples, a hand grabs at your wrist and you feel yourself being dragged upwards.

"Ah! I'm finally home! Practice was fun but I'd much rather be here with my lovebug!" A loud voice echoes into the house. The sounds of your fiancé coming home distracts you for a moment.

"Where'r ya hiding, cutie?" He approached the bathroom, and you quickly tighten your robe around you and hug yourself.

"In here," you call, trying to hide the shake in your voice. Just as you finish speaking, the tall male steps into the bathroom. His face lights up, his owlish eyes taking you in.

"Oya oya? What's this~" he coos, smirking seeing your clad in nothing but a thin silk robe. He approaches, taking you in a hug from behind. He's still a bit smelly and sweaty from practice, but your practically nose-blind to it at this point, so you don't mind.

"You smell nice," he hums into your freshly washed hair.

"Sorry I can't say the same about you," you give a tiny grin, earning a cackle from Bokuto. His arms tighten around your waist and you couldn't help but cringe. Not at him, you love his touch, but the fact he could feel your body made you want to disappear.

"It's odd, Coach always says to rest after practices, but I always find myself more hyped up. Ya know?" Koutarou begins to pepper kisses on your neck and shoulder, drawing a shiver from you. He grins, "It's a good thing I have a wonderful fiancé to..."

His amber eyes meet yours in your reflection, making it clear what he's getting at.

"... use my energy on~" his tone is low as his hands begin to trail up and down your arms, still tight around yourself. Although any other day you would meet his 'requests' with pleasure, today just wasn't one of those days for you. You weren't in a good mood, let alone the mood. However you felt bad, not wanting to bring any negativity onto him. Conflicted, you just let him hold you and continue to place gentle kisses on your shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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