Oikawa Tooru | Flowers

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You sigh in content, placing your hands on your hips and staring at your work. Every color blended together yet stood out in the most perfect way. Each petal bloomed from each flower, making the bouquet look full and healthy. Carefully picking up the glass vase, you carried the bouquet over to the other pre-made sets and placed it down on the table.

You owned a flower shop. Everything about selling flowers was so fulfilling to you and you enjoyed your job. To the way colors burst throughout the small shop all the way down to the way the sun warmed the place through the windows every morning, It all made you feel at home.

Walking back behind the counter, you reached down to pick up the yellow spray bottle you use to water the flowers. You stride back over to your bouquets and spray each one. As you did so, you mindlessly hummed a tune.

Interrupting what you were doing, a bell chimed, signalling someone had entered the shop. You quickly hurried to behind the counter to greet your customer with your glowing smile,

"Hello, Sir! What can I get you today?" You chirp, resting your elbows on the wooden counter. The man turned to you and gave you a wide, king-like smile. You took in his apperance and, you had to admit, he was quite charming.

He had beautiful brown hair that swooped off the side flawlessly. His gorgeous brown eyes seemed to look into yours and deep within your soul, which kinda scared you just a bit. His perfectly toned skin glowed in the sunlight that peered through the wide windows. You could tell by his teal and white jacket that he plays some sort of sport, but you couldn't see the back to know which one. He wore a joyful smile that probably made girl's at his school swoon.

"Hello, Miss! I'm just looking for something..." His voice was sickly sweet and it was as if honey dripped from his words. He gave him a nod and watched him as he gazed around the store,

"It's very bright in here. I like it!" The brunette points out. You give him a heart warming smile,

"Thank you! I love working in bright places. It seems to bring my mood up when I'm down!" You state, looking around the store yourself just to take in the colors that will never grow old to you.

You snap out of your gaze as the man turns back to you,

"I'm Oikawa Tooru by the way," he gives you another kingly smile, and you return it,
"I'm (Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you!"

You waited as Oikawa scanned the room some more. His eyes would land on a bouquet then flash to another. You tucked a stray hair behind your ear,

"Do you need help finding anything?" You ask, hoping you could be of some help. Oikawa looked at you for a moment, then turned away. It was as if he was thinking. His bright features grow a bit angry-looking for a moment. Suddenly, he turns back to you and steps up to the counter, a serious aura surrounding him,

"How do you say 'Fuck you' in flower?"

You burst out in a fit of laughter. You hold your sides and hunch over as you wheeze out. (Kuroo Much)

Oikawa just stands there staring at you while you giggle, but then he begins to chuckle,

"That sounded weird, didn't it?" He smiled. Your laughter thankfully died down and you turned back to the brunette in front of you,

"Just a little! But I know how to help you," You giggle one last time before stepping out from behind the counter and walking over to a ladder going up to the roof of your shop. Oikawa gives you a confused look and you speak,

"This goes to the roof where I grow my flowers. I can't fit them all in here, and the rooftop is perfect for them the get sunlight," You explain, taking a step onto the first rung of the ladder. You turn back to Oikawa and look him in the eyes, "You can come too, if you want! I would feel bad leaving you down here alone while I get your bouquet flowers."

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