Bokuto Koutarou | Dumb and Dumber

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Everyone knows Bokuto Koutarou for his loud personality and volleyball skills. He is always clear with is emotions and his mood can change with the blink of an eye depending on the situation. You always know when he's around because you can hear him before you see him. One of these kinds of people is enough, right?

Nope. At Fukurodani, there are two. And you are one of them.

Everyone knew you as Bokuto 2.0 . You were very loud and loved to have fun. You didn't have that cute girly giggle, but a hearty laugh that echoed down the halls. You much preferred to hang out with guys because you always thought they knew how to have a good time. Ironically, you were also the ace/captain on the girl's volleyball team. Suprisingly though, you had never met Bokuto in person. You had just heard his name in conversations. Same with him in the fact he has only heard of you.

One day during an evening practice, your coach told the team there was going to be a practice match against the boys team. Many girls whined, "But they are so much better! They'll crush us!"

Another spoke up, "Especially with Bokuto-San!"

They all nodded in agreement, causing you to cock an eye brow. You spoke up, confidence in every word,

"Come on, girls! Who cares if they're better than us? That means we just need to practice! Besides, it's just Bokuto! Even if he is in the top 5 spikers in the region, he has his weaknesses! We can do this together! Besides," You held up a hand and pointed at yourself with your thumb, a big grin on your face, "You've got me! I won't let you guys down!"

Now with more confedence, your team began to walk to the gym.

. . .

"Those two have been having a stand off for how long now?"

"Iv'e lost count of the minutes..."

You stood in a proud way, your arms crossed and a smirk on your face. He was doing the same, looking down at you with those wide eyes.

You decided to break the silence, "So you must be Bokuto Koutaro, the 4th best spiker in the region."

He grinned, "And you must be (l/n) (f/n), the best female spiker in tokyo."

You both said at the same time, "I guess you've heard of me!"

The two of you paused you stare down in surprise. You both had heard rumors that you both mirrored eachother so well, but you haven't noticed how right they were till now. you both must have thought the same thing, because you both let out a bellowed laugh.

You smirked, "Ok, as soon as a question is asked, answer it. Don't think about it, just answer."

He nodded before asking, "What's your favorite volleyball brand?"

You both said at the same time, "Mikasa"

You both raised your eyebrows before you grinned, "Favorite food?"

Once again at the same time, "Barbequed meat!"

You both decided to make it faster, (I'm not sure if these things for Bokuto are canon, I'm just making some of them up)

"Favorite animal?"

"Duh, Owls"


"Wing spiker"

"Favorite color?"

"(Favorite color)"

"Favorite drink?"

"(favorite drink)"

"Favorite spike?"

"As long as it scores a point"

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