Ushijima Wakatoshi | Jealous?

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Question of the day: What is your zodiac sign? I'm a Scorpio ♏️



. . .

There it was again. That feeling. What was it?

Ushijima watched from afar as a certain (h/c) girl laughed with one of her classmates. The male she was talking to looked down at her, chuckling. He slung an arm around her shoulder and his lips moved. She responded with a cute laugh. Ushijima felt a weird feeling rising in his chest.

Every time he saw (y/n) with another boy, his chest seemed to clench up and his mood turned slightly sour. The sight alone left a bitter taste in his mouth. But why?

Ushijima has never been an expert in the feelings compartment, let alone be able to identify a crush. He had never been able to express his emotions very well in the first place. So how was he going to fix whatever he's feeling right now?

Whatever, it's probably just a temporary thing. For now he just needed to focus on volleyball and nothing else.

. . .

It wasn't a temporary thing...

Ushijima found that his condition has gotten worse. He hadn't told anyone about it either.

Now he found himself watching (y/n) as she sat in front of him in class. He watched every small thing she did with interest. Down to every detail.

For example, right before she answers a question, she tucks a strand of (h/c) hair behind her one ear. Also, when she seems to be in deep thought, she puts her pen to her lips and lightly taps it against them, making a tiny plip noise.

Ushijima didn't know what to do. So he went to one person he knew would.

"(Y/n)-chan? Ah I know her. She's in two of my classes. I had to do a project with her once, she's really nice." Ushijima's friend said. Ushijima explained his situation.

"Ahh I see..." The red head grinned. Ushijima just stared back at him, not even touching his food.

"So it's unsettling seeing (y/n)-chan talking with other guys, you have a fluttery feeling in your chest when you see her in the hall, and you notice every small thing she does?" Tendou asked, making sure he covered everything the ace told him. Ushijima nodded.

Tendou's thinking look disappeared. His lips peeled back in a smirk and his eyes held a knowing gaze. Ushijima, for some reason, suddenly felt uneasy.

"Wakatoshi, it sounds to me like your in love~" He sang with a shit-eating grin. Ushijima's eyes widened, but he didn't say anything.

"What...should I do?" He asked Tendou. Honestly, he was embarrassed to be asking Tendou of all people such personal questions. Not that the middle blocker minded.

"Well for one, you could tell her how you feel." He suggested. Ushijima shook his head and looked down at his lunch.

"But I don't think she knows me."

"What do you mean? Everyone knows your name in this school, Wakatoshi. You're kinda famous." Tendou remarked. When Ushijima gave him a look, Tendou replaced his statement with an idea.

"Why don't you get to know her then? As a person I mean. Maybe you two should hang out or something." Tendou pondered for a moment before he snapped his fingers.

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