Bokuaka x Daughter! Reader | Be careful with her!

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Though it may seem like it, being a family isn't always easy. Especially when there's an infant in the household. Just one baby is enough to take care of, but for Keiji, he has two, and one of which isn't able to fit into a diaper.

"Koutarou, please put (y/n) down before she falls off the table." The dark haired male says to him. Koutarou just pouts,

"But she's having fun!" Right as (y/n) was about to crawl over the edge, Koutarou scoops her up and sits her back down in the center of the table. "And it makes her feel tall. Is that right (y/n)?"

The baby just responded with a joyful laugh and clapped her hands together. Keiji smiled at the child, but returned to a serious face when he looked back at Kou.

"I don't want to take any chances with her." He responds coolly before picking up (y/n). He holds her close to his face and gives her a peck on the nose. In response the baby touches his face and giggles. This makes Keiji smile as he carries her off to her room for a nap.

. . . . . .

Keiji was on his way home from work when he received a call from his husband. Luckily, their work schedules were set up so every day at least one of them were home with (y/n). Today was Kou's day to take care of her.

"Yes?" Keiji greets him through the phone. He was suddenly deafened by Kou's loud voice cheering,

"(Y/n) said her first word!" He said excitedly. Keiji grinned to himself,

"Really? What did she say?"

"She said owl! I taught her how to say owl!" Kou cheered. Keiji just sighed in amusement.

"Well I'm on my way home now, so I'll see you two in a bit. Love you."

"I love you too!"

Keiji was calm during the whole ride home. He was calm when he walked up the driveway to their front door. He wasn't calm, however, when he opened it to see Koutarou literally throwing (y/n) in the air. His heart lurched up in his throat.

"Koutarou! Be careful with her!" Keiji pleaded as he threw her up again and caught her in his strong arms.

"Don't worry, babe. We are just celebrating!" Koutarou said with a grin. Keiji stepped closer to them.

"You may drop her, Kou. Please don't-" But since Koutarou was paying attention to Keiji instead of her, he missed her small body. He did not catch her.

Keiji felt as if everything was crumbling around him as he saw (y/n)'s tiny body begin to slip from Kou's arms and head for the ground. Her little face showed confusion and slight fear.

Keiji panicked and dove onto the floor just was (y/n) was about to hit it. His arms reached out for his daughter and caught her just before she hit the floor. He winced at the impact of his body hitting the ground instead of hers. As soon as he got her, he pulled her close to his chest.

Koutarou was still processing what just happened when Keiji lifted himself onto his feet. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as (y/n) balanced on his hip. She was clearly fine, but he held her protectively anyway.

"Don't ever do that again, Kou." Keiji demanded, his voice cold and serious. Koutarou was about to apologize when Keiji glared at him harshly, "If I wasn't home she could have hit her head on the floor and broke something. Can you imagine how horrible that would be?"

Kou's lips turned downward in a frown and he looked at Keiji with apologetic eyes, "I'm sorry..."

"Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to (y/n). You almost killed her."

Kou stepped closer and held (y/n)'s chubby cheeks in his hands. He gave her a kiss on the head, "I'm really sorry (y/n)."

The baby bopped him on the head with her tiny fist. Keiji held back a chuckle. Koutarou pouted at the fact that his own daughter was bashing him too.

"I said I was sorry!" He exclaimed to her. She just frowned and hit him again. Every time the male tried to speak, she shushed him with a bop on the head. Keiji was slightly enjoying every minute of it.

She ceased when the male cried out, "I still love you, (y/n)! I'm so sorry!"

The baby looked down at Kou, who was on his knees. She looked like a princess looking down at a peasant from her thrown. She seemed to study her father for a moment before looking up at Keiji.

"Ow...Owl" she blabbered to Keiji, pointing at Koutarou's sulking face. He smiled at her, kissing her head.

"Good girl."

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