Oikawa Tooru | Prettier than me?!

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The brown haired setter took a seat on the bleachers. Loud yelling and cheers were echoing around the large gymnasium, but it didn't faze him at all. He was used to it.

"So why are we here, Iwa-chan?" Oikawa had to speak loudly over the sound of people. Iwaizumi turned his head to look at Oikawa with a pissed off glare,

"Idiot, we're here to watch my cousin play."

"Huh? You never told me you had a cousin! You just said there was a volleyball game you needed to watch."

Iwaizumi looked back at the court below, "I do. My cousin has a big game today and she really wanted me to come, so I said I would. I only brought you because I thought you would be interested and you wouldn't stop nagging me"

"Hey!" Oikawa faked a hurt pout before looking normal again, "And why would I be interested? I've seen many games before, Iwa-chan, you know that."

"She plays setter."


Iwaizumi glared again, "My cousin, she's a setter," Iwaizumi smirked, "maybe you could learn a few things, trashykawa."

"So mean!"

Their conversation was cut off when the cheering suddenly grew louder. Oikawa looked onto the court to see two teams filing on. One with white and black jerseys and the other with light blue.

"Where's your cousin, Iwa-chan?" Oikawa's eyes scanned each girl, hoping to take a lucky guess at who his relative was.

"Light blue jersey, number 2"

There she is. Though they were so far away, Oikawa could tell that girl was really cute. She had (h/c) hair that was pulled back into a neat ponytail. Oikawa had to admit, the first thing he noticed were her legs.

Long, smooth, athletic...

"Hey, Iwa-chan. I wouldn't mind if you introduced me to-" he was cut off when something hit him in the side of the head.

"Don't even think about it, shittykawa. No way am I letting you near her."

Oikawa grinned, "Protective, are we?"

"Yeah, when it comes to trash cans like you. You are here to support my cousin, not lead her on and break her apart like you always do to girls."

Oikawa was now offended, "HUH?!"

"You heard me."

Oikawa stuck out his tongue childishly before looking back down at the court.

"Actually, (y/n) reminds me a lot of you sometimes."

"What do you mean, Iwa-chan? I'm special!"

Iwaizumi snickered, "You sure are, idiot." He glanced at the court, "But you two act a lot alike, accept for the fact (y/n) isn't a player like you."

"Whatever, Iwa-chan." Oikawa huffed and focused on the court once again. The match had just started and the boys payed attention to the court below.

They did what they came to do, watch (y/n) play. While watching the game , Oikawa was beginning to notice how good she was. Every time her teammates received, she would get to the ball and set no matter what. Even if the ball was about to drop, she would manage to get under it just in time to make the perfect set.

She may not be like Oikawa, bringing out the 100% of each of her teammates.
She may not be like Tobio-chan, making spot-on sets with genius skill.
But she was amazing at getting the ball where it needed to go. It almost seemed as if she would teleport all around to set the ball.

And Oikawa was very impressed.


It was a deuce. (Y/n)'s team was ahead by one, but the other team was fighting back. It had Oikawa on the edge of his seat without him even realizing.

The opposing team spiked the ball and the libero tried to receive it, but it flew far out of bounds and behind the benches. Oikawa flinched knowing the game wasn't going to go as planned.

But oh boy, was he wrong

It all seemed to happen in slow motion. (Y/n) sprinting in the direction of the ball as it flies behind the boundaries surrounding the court. Oikawa gasps as she hurdles over the boundary, twists her body, and sets the ball all the way back into the court. Her team manages to send a chance ball and both Iwaizumi and Oikawa were frozen in their seats with amazement. Iwaizumi never expected this from his little cousin. Neither did Tooru.

Oikawa looks back at (y/n) to see her tumble onto the ground and slam into the wall behind her. She looked like a doll getting tossed far away. Oikawa tapped his friend on the shoulder, "Iwa-chan, is she alrig-"

He stopped mid sentence as he saw her struggle to get onto her feet. Once she was up, she ran back onto the court as if nothing had happened.

Oikawa had to meet this girl face to face after this game.

After a few volleys, (y/n)'s team took the win. The crowd erupted in cheers and the team began hugging each other in joy.

Oikawa tried to suppress his excitement

Once they were able to, the boys went to congratulate (y/n) on her win. Iwaizumi called to her once they got close enough.

(Y/n) jogged over, a towel wrapped around her neck. Iwaizumi gave her a small grin, "Congrats on the win, (y/n). You did great."

"Hajime! You came! And is this your friend?" (Y/n) grinned widely at the two.

Now that Tooru was close enough, he got to see all her features. Her (h/c) locks were a bit messier than they were before the match. She had bright (e/c) eyes and smooth (s/c) skin. But up close, her legs looked even better. Dang...

"Well, Shittykawa? Are you gonna introduce yourself or just keep staring?" Iwaizumi nudged him. Oikawa snapped out of his gaze and made eye contact with the girl in front of him. He outstretched a hand,

"Oikawa Tooru. Nice to meet you! And you are...?"

"(Y/n) (L/n)" (y/n) smiled again and shook his hand, which was so much bigger compared to hers.

Oikawa couldn't stop from mumbling something. (Y/n) looked at him, "Excuse me?"

"She's a prettier setter than me!!" Tooru suddenly called out, causing a few people to stare in confusion.

(Y/n) was a blushing mess and Iwaizumi smacked his idiot friend upside the head.

"I'm sorry for him, (y/n). He can be a bit..."

(Y/n) laughed, "Oh I don't mind! Besides," (y/n) winked at Tooru, "You're not so bad looking yourself, Oikawa-kun"

(Y/n) giggled at Oikawa's blushing and speechless state. The dark haired male next to them could only pinch the bridge of his nose.

Iwaizumi watched as the two low-key flirted with each other. He knew this wasn't going to end well as soon as Oikawa took out his phone to exchange numbers with the girl.

"Here we go..." Iwaizumi huffed quietly to himself, "I don't think I'm ready for this..."

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