Chapter 2

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Years Later...

Alex dodges the green fist flying at her, moving out of J'onn's range so she can watch him move. She keeps light on her feet, glad she's used to keeping up with Kara when she sees him coming towards her with superspeed. She blocks it and despite the fact J'onn always holds his strength back, the impact still makes her grit her teeth. Alex sweeps her legs, making him fall. Her smirk of satisfaction quickly falls when she sees him stop himself by floating an inch above the ground and righting himself in the air before his feet touch the ground.

"J'onn, using your flying powers is cheating!" She grumbles.

He just smiles proudly at her and they both look up when they hear the sound of approaching footsteps. Kara's walking toward them, but the furrow in her brow tells Alex that she's not here to make small talk or demand that they join her and her friends for food.

"Is anything wrong, Kara?" J'onn asks worriedly.

"No, no. At least I don't think so. Eliza wants us to get ready for dinner."

Alex groans and Kara gives her a sympathetic look, knowing how much her sister hates it. Whenever Eliza sends someone to tell them to get ready for dinner, its code for "I have an announcement/guest and you should wear a dress, Alexandra." Alex doesn't really mind wearing a dress, she just likes to on her own time when she actually wants to. Not because there's a stuffy diplomat kissing her mom's ass at every opportunity. She hates that almost as much as she hates people calling her Alexandra.

"Come on Alex, I'll help you pick something out." Kara suggests with a smile. Alex nods and walks over to her sister. "Oh and um, J'onn, Eliza wants you at dinner too."

J'onn looks surprised, "I cannot imagine why if there is a diplomat. I have heard he is from the Luthor Kingdom and is as pleasant as their ruler."

"Lillian's falling apart, has been since Lex was killed." Alex remarks. As the closest threat to their Kingdom and as a major threat to Kara, she's been having her spies watch the Luthor Kingdom closely. "She's in a downward spiral. There's no way she'll be in power too much longer."

"I wonder if her daughter's more accepting," Kara muses. "We really don't hear much about her." She shakes her head. "Anyway, I'm sure he won't be displaying his xenophobia here. Everyone knows how the Danvers family's accepting of aliens. Now Alex, let's go! Dinner will be ready soon and I don't want to be late!"

Kara drags Alex along toward the castle until she could jog fast enough to keep up with Kara's fast pace.

"The food isn't going anywhere, Kara." Alex teases. "It'll still be warm if we get there thirty seconds late." Kara pouts at her sister until Alex rolls her eyes. "I know, I know. I'll be quick, Kara. I have you to help me."

"Ooh," Kara exclaims. She's practically skipping as she walks backwards to face Alex, who's significantly less excited. "You should wear the blue dress, you look great in that."

"I don't want another creepy old guy staring at my boobs again. Mom won't be happy if I break another diplomat's fingers." Alex replies drily.

Kara nods thoughtfully, "Yeah. He definitely deserved that, though. Okay, what about that long black dress?"

Alex considers it. She always feels great in that particular dress, and it doesn't expose too much. "Fine. Now go change into your own dress, you excitable puppy."

Kara beams at her sister and bounces off, skipping towards her room across the hall from Alex's. Alex shakes her head in amusement and goes into her room to change. When she reemerges, she meets up with Kara, who looks as eager as she always does for the way-too-common fancy dinners. She's wearing her dark blue dress and pushes up her glasses, grinning at her sister.

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