Chapter 87

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Lena and Kara are way too tired to do anything but fall asleep in each other's arms.

Lena's the first to awaken, and judging by the light coming in through the windows, it's a lot later than she usually sleeps. She blinks away her tiredness and yawns before focusing on the beautiful woman lying in bed next to her. Kara's still asleep, her mouth open slightly.

Lena grins when Kara sleepily mumbles something about food and snuggles closer to Lena. Gods, she can't wait to spend the rest of her life with this woman.

The thought doesn't alarm her as much as she expected. Lena knows she's in this forever, and by now has been reassured that Kara wants that too somehow. There's a niggling voice in the back of head that she's listened to for so long it's hard to forget what it says. It whispers a single question into her mind: "how?"

Lena starts at that question, making Kara snort in her sleep before readjusting herself and cuddling up to her again. The question is unexpected and something Lena has vaguely considered, but not seriously thought about. How?

How are they going to do this if Lena has to go back to the Luthor Kingdom soon? If Kara has a duty to her people and her family, and has stay? Will they visit? What could they do? Is it even possible? Would long distance even work?

Lena can feel her heart rate climbing and tries to calm down, knowing that Kara listens to her heartbeat and will wake up if she doesn't calm down. But the thoughts don't stop, so neither does her fast heartbeat. Kara inhales deeply and stretches out her limbs, her eyes blinking open slowly like a tired dog. She yawns and grins sleepily at her girlfriend.

"Hey, Lee." Kara murmurs, lifting her head from Lena's shoulder to press a sloppy kiss to her cheek. "Good morning. It's really nice to wake up in an actual bed with you."

Lena smiles softly, mentally pushing her worries away. They can talk about it later, once Kara's actually awake. Though that feels like an excuse to not talk about it now.

"Yes it is, darling. How are you feeling?" Lena asks.

"A little tired. Hungry. The usual," she jokes. Lena chuckles and Kara tightens the arm around her waist, settling back down and cuddling with her. "What about you? You're more tense than normal, and your heart rate is faster."

Lena sighs. She can't get anything past her girlfriend, not with how well she knows Lena and with the side of her superpowers.

"It's just my mind making me worry, darling."

"It's never just anything, Lee." Kara says and Lena can hear the frown in her voice. "We're in a relationship, babe. I want us to talk about stuff that's bothering us."

"I know, I want that too, love. I just want to talk to you about something." Lena promises. "It can wait until we get something in that black hole that is your stomach."

Kara's lips twitch up at the joke but there's still concern in her eyes. "Is it anything bad? We're okay, right?"

"We're amazing. And I hope it isn't anything bad." Lena murmurs that last part, knowing that Kara will still catch it.

"But it has the possibility to be bad?" Kara asks worriedly.

"It also has the possibility to be good." Lena reminds her. "We can talk about it after we get food."

Kara nods hesitantly. They get dressed like usual, tossing each other's close at each other and stealing kisses in between putting them on. They finish getting dressed and the following make out session before heading to the kitchen.

Maggie and Alex are already there, and Maggie's trying to sneak vegetables into Alex's food when she's not looking. Alex is sneaking the vegetables back onto Maggie's plate (or onto the floor for the dog patiently waiting for food nearby) while Maggie's not looking.

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