Chapter 26

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Kara's listening to the sound of hooves get closer as she waits for Lena to finish getting ready. When she hears the sound of a tent flap opening and closing, she looks over to see Lena. Kara drops in the air for a millisecond before she catches herself and nearly chokes on nothing.

Lena's wearing armor and it fits her perfectly in a way that had to have been tailored to her. It's a mixture of a few different types of armor and like nothing Kara's ever seen. She looks regal and gorgeous in it and it's in such a way that her beauty is even more effortless than usual. The armor isn't something that looks like it was designed by a man who just wanted it to be form-fitting and sexy instead of practical.

Lena walks with confidence out of her tent and Kara wipes her mouth with her hand to make sure she's not actually drooling because holy crap. Rao, she looks incredible.

Lena looks up at her and it's like she can tell that Kara has been staring at her. She smirks as Kara slowly floats down to greet her.

"Hey," Kara breathes out.

"Hey," Lena responds, sounding amused.

"Your armor is amazing," Kara gushes. Oh, Alex would love it so much. She'll have to remember to have Lena talk to her about it when they get to National City. "You made it yourself?"

"Yes, I did. Mostly. Only my most trusted ally was allowed to help me with it, and I only let her because she insisted. She ended up being invaluable, as usual." Lena smiles softly.

"See? You do have a friend!" Kara exclaims.

Lena shakes her head, grinning. She shouldn't be surprised that Kara remembers she told her she doesn't exactly have friends.

"Jess isn't really a friend." Lena says. "More of a colleague I trust."

"You don't trust easily, but you trust her. You're friends!" Lena gives Kara a look. "Okay, you don't believe me. Does Jess like you? Platonically or otherwise?"

"I would assume so, she spends a lot of time with me. She's my most trusted confidant. Jess is the one that helped me understand the political landscape of my Kingdom."

"And what's she doing right now?" Kara prompts.

Lena hesitates. Maybe they are friends. She has just never thought about it. "She's running Luthor Kingdom in my absence."

"See? You're so friends!" Kara says happily. "You have at least two!"


"Yeah! We're friends, remember?" Kara beams at her and Lena can practically feel the ice around her heart melting.

"My Queen," a guard says as he rushes up to them. "I apologize for interrupting but the nobles are safe and with two guards. They aren't happy."

Lena scoffs quietly. "No, I wouldn't expect they would be. If they continue to be a pain, feel free to remind them they can to come out here where we will be fighting the assassins Mother sent."

"Yes ma'am." The guard smiles as he jogs away, back toward the forest.

"Is it really necessary to agitate them?" Kara asks worriedly.

"No. But I do like to put them in their place occasionally. They have spent so long reveling in their wealth that they hate the slightest inconvenience, even if it will save their lives. Eventually, they forget to think of anyone aside from themselves." Lena remarks drily, then shakes her head. "Enough of that. I need to get to a good vantage point to shoot from."

Lena glances at where the road is and looks around at the trees around the clearing. Since this is an old forest, most of the trees are sturdy enough for climbing. Lena strolls around the edge of the clearing that will give her a good view of the road they will come from.

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