Chapter 19

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Maggie somehow seems to understand that training helps Alex relax without her saying anything. She pulls out two of the wooden swords from storage and tosses one to Alex. She catches it easily and Maggie twirls her sword, getting used to its weight.

Alex and Maggie don't speak much while they train, the only sounds coming out of them being grunts and recommendations on how they can improve. Alex appreciates it because fighting, especially with swords, has always been something that has calmed her mind down. And Maggie is a good opponent and gives feedback that actually helps.

By the time Kara lands by them, they're both sweaty, only wearing their shirts and pants. Their jackets are on the ground near the edge of the clearing, tossed aside when it got too warm to keep them on. She watches them for a moment until they stop almost at the same time. Kara can't help but be impressed by how in sync they are already.

"Hey," Kara greets.

Alex smiles at her but it's tinged with sadness and worry. "Hey. I like the super suit."

Kara beams at her sister. "Thanks! It feels really natural. I love the cape!"

"It suits you," Maggie says.

Alex groans good-naturedly. "Sawyer, was that a pun?"

"I didn't notice, thanks Danvers." Maggie admits. "But it is now."

Kara grins and hugs Alex. "Stay safe."

Alex chuckles, blinking back the tears in her eyes. "That's my line." She pulls back slightly and pokes her sister's House of El symbol on her chest. "Don't do anything stupid or reckless, okay?"

"I won't. And I'll be back in a few days, Alex."

Alex nods but her throat is closing up again because her little sister is going on a dangerous mission that she can't help her on. She tugs Kara back and hugs her as hard as she can. Kara understands and hugs back just as hard, holding back just enough that she doesn't crack Alex's ribs.

"Okay." Alex lets out a breath and steps back. "Okay, I'm good."

Kara smiles and squeezes her sister's hand gently. She then goes over to Maggie, who has been watching at a respectable distance and hugs her.

"Oh, we're hugging now." Maggie says, sounding surprised but she still hugs back.

Kara pulls away slightly. "Is that okay? I just assumed, sorry I'm usually all about consent and-"

"Breathe, Little Danvers." Maggie says, chuckling. "Yeah, it's okay. It was just unexpected."

"You sure?" Kara asks nervously.

"Yeah. Now come here." Maggie hugs Kara tightly for a moment before she steps back. "Be careful."

"I will. Take care of Alex." Both Maggie and Kara ignore Alex's protests behind them.

"I will. Now go. Save the world."

Kara grins and hugs Alex one last time. "She's a keeper." She murmurs to her, too low for Maggie to hear.

Alex blushes but quietly agrees, watching as her sister flies away. She stares at the sky for a moment until Maggie's hand gently touches her shoulder.

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