Chapter 37

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Alex excitedly leads her girlfriend to the kitchen. Maggie's endlessly amused (and smitten) by the rapid change in her behavior. She's practically bouncing on the balls of her feet as she holds open the door to the kitchen for Maggie, who can't resist stealing a quick kiss as she passes her. Alex lets out a quiet, surprised squeaking noise that makes Maggie snicker.

"Do you need more breakfast? A snack?" The head chef, Lyra, asks when she notices them.

Lyra had been passed over multiple times by fancy restaurants and rich people alike because of the fact that she's an alien. Which anyone could see by just looking at her. Alex has noticed that if they not noticeably aliens, they're much more likely to be accepted if they tell someone they're an alien. They're okay if it's someone that looks like them, but if not, it's a constant reminder that aliens exist.

Now, that all happened while Eliza was giving aliens rights. Discrimination like that wasn't illegal yet.

Alex actually likes Lyra, she's witty and smart and knows a lot about her home planet (Alex asks her stuff sometimes when she gets curious but she's learned to avoid some topics). Perhaps Alex's favorite thing about Lyra is the fact that Winn has a crush on her. He still likes Kara, but he knows she doesn't him. One of Alex's favorite things about him is how he actually respects that, and is trying to get over her. Especially since Alex and Kara view him as the brother they never had. His crush on Lyra is something that Alex teases him about relentlessly (she loves reminding him that he seems to have a thing for aliens, which is when he starts stammering and blushing).

"No, I thought I would warn you that Kara's about a day's ride away." Alex says with a happy twinkle in her eye.

"Ah, thank you. I'll send someone to go stock up, we don't have nearly enough to feed a hungry Kryptonian." Lyra chuckles. "And I'm guessing you want to use your lab?"

"It's not a lab, Lyra." Alex says so easily that Maggie thinks this must be a thing Lyra teases her about often.

Lyra tuts and shakes her head. "Sure it isn't. All the ingredients should be there, let me know if you need any more."

"Thanks, Lyra."

"No problem." She replies. "Send your little brother over here sometime, okay? I haven't seen him in a while."

Alex gives her a wicked grin. "Oh, I definitely will."

Lyra laughs at her expression and gestures toward a door in the kitchen that Maggie has noticed but hasn't seen anyone go in. "Go ahead, agent."

Alex holds the door open for her girlfriend again and Maggie gasps when she goes in. It looks like the main kitchen, sort of. It has granite counter tops and cupboards and what looks like a pantry. Except the oven looks like Alex fiddled with it and there are some Bunsen Burners on the countertops. It looks like an odd mix between a lab and a kitchen.

"Dang, Danvers." Maggie says as she looks around.

"Cool, right?" Alex says proudly. "I've worked on pretty much every piece of machinery here to make them more effective. Now come on, we have cakes to bake."


Maggie opens a cabinet and bursts out laughing.

"What is it?" Alex asks, walking over to stand beside her.

Maggie forces herself to speak, cutting off her laughter for the moment. "Of course instead of having measuring cups like a normal person, you have beakers."


They're quickly approaching the edge of National City and Lena's anxiety goes up with every foot her horse moves forward. Kara, despite her excitement, notices. She brings her horse closer to Lena's and speaks in a low tone so the others can't hear.

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