Chapter 52

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Maggie and Alex don't stay for long in Kara's bedroom, wanting to give her and Lena time to pack and sleep before they leave the next morning.

"You better not leave without at least waking us up." Alex says, leaning against the frame of the doorway. Maggie's waiting just behind her.

"You know I won't." Kara murmurs.

Alex sighs and tugs her sister closer to her, holding onto her hand. "I know. I just hate knowing you're going to be in danger."

"We'll be careful. Lena will watch my back and I'll watch hers." Kara promises. "We will have each other, so we won't do anything that would put us in too much danger. Okay?"

"That's only semi-reassuring." Alex sighs, running her unoccupied hand through her hair.  "You're both pretty reckless. At the very least, be careful."

Kara nods and squeezes her sister's hand. "We will. And you can remind us of this in the morning too."

Alex nods and lets out a breath. "I just might. Maybe then you'll remember it." Kara smiles softly at her. "Finish packing before you fall asleep, you won't want to deal with all that in the morning." Alex cuts Kara off before she can reply to that. "Goodnight. I love you."

"Love you too." Kara says.

Alex hugs Kara, then heads across the hallway to her room (which has really become her and Maggie's room). Kara stands and watches as the doors close behind them, and without using her super hearing, she can hear Maggie's voice becoming soft and soothing, probably to reassure Alex about Kara's well-being. Kara hates that her sister gets so worried, that she causes Alex so much stress.

Lena gently places a hand on Kara's upper back. "Hey. Do you want to talk about it?" She asks quietly.

"Not really." Kara replies and then sighs. "I just... I don't like that Alex gets so worried about me. I hate that I cause her so much distress."

Lena hums in understanding and reaches down to tug at Kara's hand to indicate for her to turn around. Kara complies.

"That's part of having strong relationships." Lena pauses for a quick moment. "Your family has been teaching me that. It's normal to worry about someone, especially with the careers you and your sister have chosen. There's no way to stop her from worrying. All you can do is try not to give her more reasons to worry if you can."

Kara bites her lip before swiftly releasing it, cocking her head. "How?"

"You can't cut out the dangerous missions in your life, or the inherent dangers of being an alien, and a Super." Lena begins. "So what you can do, as your sister said, is be careful. Try not to rush into things without a plan. Stuff like that."

Kara nods and rests her hands on Lena's waist. "That's a good way of explaining it."

Lena smiles and drapes her arms over Kara's shoulders, knowing exactly what her girlfriend wants at the moment. "You know, we should probably pack before we do anything else."

"Or," Kara draws the word out. "We could take a quick break and kiss a little first."

Lena practically melts in Kara's arms. "Darling, you know we will lose track of time. We should pack first. And change."

Kara sighs but nods, knowing that Lena's right. "Just one quick kiss?" She asks with wide eyes, giving Lena her famous pout with her 'puppy dog eyes' as Lucy calls it.

They work faster than usual on Lena and she nods, leaning in. Their lips brush gently before Kara closes the small distance between them. Lena hums happily and as she suspected, gets lost in the kiss. She reaches up to tangle her fingers in Kara's hair to pull her closer.

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