Chapter 24

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Alex has never enjoyed getting up early so much. And while she might not hate mornings, she doesn't exactly like them either. Usually, she has to get to the DEO right away because the Big Bad of the day has already shown up. Or, worse, Alex actually has a morning off but she still wakes up when the sun does.

But this... This is beyond perfect. She's sitting next to the girl she went on a date with last night, joking and eating breakfast. It's so simple but it's absolutely amazing. Because Maggie is eating some fancy healthy breakfast that Alex can tease her about. Maggie is in her room, after a night of cuddling and kisses and the best damn date Alex has ever been on, wearing Alex's clothes. Maggie is looking at her while she teases her like she really sees Alex and wants to get to know her in a way that very few people do.

And if Alex kisses her when they're done? Well, that's just common sense. What kind of woman wouldn't want to kiss a beautiful looking Maggie Sawyer in their t-shirt?

What they don't expect, though, is what comes next. Alex doesn't give her a quick kiss and they end up making out against her table.

"Sir Alex!" Alex practically jumps out of her skin at the unexpected deep voice of her space dad. "You and Sir Maggie are needed at the DEO. I expect you both to be there and presentable in ten minutes."

Alex and Maggie stare into each other's eyes as his footsteps fade away, equally shocked at the interruption.

Maggie bursts into stifled laughter while Alex is still frozen, processing the fact that J'onn has to know. There's practically a zero percent chance that her thoughts while kissing Maggie were quiet enough for him not to hear.

"I can't believe our mind-reading boss caught us making out in your room." Maggie says, shaking her head and grinning. Her smile falls when she sees the anxiety on Alex's face. "Hey Alex. What's wrong?" Her mouth drops open in understanding before Alex can gather herself enough to answer. "He doesn't know you're gay, does he?"

"I haven't told him," Alex answers. "But he's a mind-reader, right? And my thoughts haven't really been quiet, not when I was questioning, and not with you. I can't believe I didn't tell him yesterday, I told my parents. Why didn't I tell him? He's pretty much Kara and my space dad."

Maggie resists the urge to laugh at the term Alex uses. Space dad. She can see it, though. They do act closer than a typical mentor-apprentice relationship.

"If he does know, the fact he hasn't mentioned it means he's waiting for you to tell him. And from what I know, J'onn is a pretty accepting guy. He definitely knows I'm gay, and he hasn't said anything. I had it added to my file after my first officer tried to put the moves on me."

"Put the moves on you?" Alex laughs.

"Yeah," Maggie's eyes sparkle as she grins at Alex. "The worst part was, I had a female officer from another division with me. And I was making out with her when he came into my tent."

"You're kidding." Alex laughs so hard she snorts.

Maggie laughs with her and takes Alex's hand in hers gently. "It's going to be okay, Alex."

"Yeah," Alex nods. "Thanks."

"No problem, Danvers." Maggie kisses her cheek. "Now go get dressed, I'll clean up."

"You're amazing." Alex murmurs gratefully, heading towards her clothes closet before she can see Maggie blush.

Alex changes into her DEO uniform with practiced efficiency, attaching her weapons just in case. When she walks back out of her bathroom she was changing in, Maggie is finished cleaning up after their breakfast.

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