Chapter 59

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"Yes Mrs. Luthor." The guard says nervously and clears his throat before continuing. "I found a couple of uninvited guests."

"Oh? That is rather vague." Lillian drawls, spinning her chair around to face him. He flinches but keeps his gaze in her direction, though not at her. "How many people? What were they doing when you found them?"

"Two, ma'am. They were kissing when I found them."

"You came here to inform me that two thrill seekers were going to have intercourse near my castle?" Lillian scoffs and the guard flinches again. "Very well. If you're concerned enough that you interrupted me, then I might as well send a patrol after them. Now leave me, and head the patrol in the direction they fled."

The guard hesitates once again, not leaving the room. A guard staying after he has been dismissed. Lillian raises an eyebrow. Now this is peculiar. Usually her guards are more than happy to get away from her and scramble over themselves to get out of her room, of her presence. Perhaps that isn't all this guard has to say.

"What is it?" Lillian asks him.

He stares at her, wide eyed, like he didn't think Lillian would be perceptive enough to know he has something else to say. Silently, the guard curses having drawn the short straw. Gods, he wishes he were anyone else, had to tell her anything else.

"Mrs. Luthor, it's about your daughter."

Lillian's mouth turns down into a menacing snarl that would strike fear into the hearts of the coldest warriors. "I have no daughter. What has that disgrace to my family name done now?"

The guard trembles, too terrified to say it aloud in fear of her wrath. Instead, he hands her the latest CatCo newspaper. Lillian's face stays deathly calm as she reads through the page it's open to. The only sign of her anger and hatred is in how her grip tightens around the edges of the newspaper until her knuckles turn white. The guard shivers and fights the urge to take a step back or flee to safety.

Lillian releases her tight grip and sets it down on the small table she keeps next to her chair. She leans back in it, listening to the leather creak as she does so.

"A Super and a Luthor in love." She says. "A modern tale of Romeo and Juliet." Her lips curl up into that menacing smile. "I do hope we get to keep the ending." She sits up straighter and turns her piercing gaze into the guard, who visibly jumps. "You. Fetch the head scientists and then start your little patrol. We have a plan to make." When the guard stands there, head moving up and down like a bobble head, she scowls again. "Go!"

The guard's eyes widen and he scrambles off to do her bidding, the door shutting softly behind him as he practically runs in his attempt to flee.

Lillian leans back in her chair, grinning. "I will make them come to us. Not even their foolish alliance can prepare them for me."


"Lee. Lena. Lee, wake up. We have to get going."

Lena blinks tiredly, feeling well rested but still dazed from sleep as she sits up to see that Kara's no longer underneath her. Kara's crouched in front of her, Lena's backpack in her hand and her own on her back. It's still dark, but she can make out what's in front of her. Lena snaps to attention, recognizing the look on Kara's face.

"Time to go?" Lena asks as she stands up.

Her knees creak and groan as she gets up, protesting against the position her and Kara had been in when she fell asleep.

"Time to go. There's a patrol heading this way, and it sounds like they're trying to find us." Kara whispers. "Do you want to carry your backpack? Will it slow you down much if we have to run?"

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